Show price clerks will be added to OPA local board staffs twenty two senior price pi ice clerks wi will be employed at once by the office ot of price administration W adrian wright district OPA administrative executive announced this week these c clerks le will be stationed throughout the state at 2 22 2 different cities tor for tile the purpose of strengthening the OPA price control education and compliance program by giving local war wai price and rationing boards the services sen ices of a full time price clerk assigned to a specific area by replacement of most of the part time price clerks employed by the 69 local war price and Tation stationing ing boards the new plan will mean greater economy as well as efficiency mr wright said men with background in merchandising chan dising are aie preferred as applicants cants base salaries will range lange from 1620 to 2300 manually anu ally allF all of these employees will ie be recruited through the united states civil service complis slon appointments will ft be subject to open competition those interested should address their applications to the united states civil service commission federal building salt lake city utah cities tentatively selected as headquarters tor for the new OPA employees will be logan brig liam city ogden farmington park city murray tooele thoele salt lake city vernal price pi ice provo payson american fork ephraim or mt aft pleasant richfield fillmore or delta panguitch Pan gultch beaven and cedar city mr air and mrs mis garth ogden and I 1 catherine ann Mar margolle gorle oile burr bun and children and mr and mrs bert hardy spent sunday with mr and mis airs orson harris mr mi and mrs mis charles hampton had as a visitor sunday Sun flay at mrs rs hamptons Ham sister mrs ralph nunley of madale Ml dale mrs lenore lenoie frazier spent two days last week as a guest of lier her daughter and son in law mr at r an and d mrs airs lester M barnson Ba inson la in junction henry ciali jr small son of mr air and mrs mis henry clair of S salt a it lake city Is 13 here visiting with his grandparents mr air and mrs william and mr and mrs airs michael barnett |