Show utah county wins state honors in 4 H form safety program U UTAH TAH COUNTY COUNT has been named by y the state club office as ai reporting 9 the most mast outs outstanding banding 4 H safety work in utah during 1943 As ai a reward the county in which S R boswell is county extension agent and rhea hurst count ia home demonstration agent will receive from the mermen mennen company a special gold lettered hardwood plaque right signifying the honor four H club members and leaders felt that one way wartime needs need could be met was wai through grea greated teli aa safety ah 0 on the tana farm and in the he home hom M miss bursts ats report states production and conservation with safety safet became their 1943 theme mits merit were awarded for special activities such as fireproofing roofs of buildings repairing chimneys and electrical equipment erecting garbage incinerators making fire breaks and numerous other safety measures four hundred thirty seven 4 11 club boys and girls reported having inspected one or more homes for safety and recommended improved practices three hundred twenty seven special safety practices were put into effect twenty boys and girls inspected from five to ten homes and aided family members in j 1043 blow ah SAIM PROGRAM AWARD TO I 1 I 1 IM ham s HONOR ISHM 4 making safety improvements ten girls made from ten to fifteen inspections inspection spec tion ions three wenty twenty inspections each and a 15 year old 4 her contacted all residents in her community and showed them what coull could be done to maki make their farms and homes safer froth from fire and ac ciden hazards |