Show ON THE H ME FRONT FRON ia akars WE E KNOW that the eighteenth century is often called the golden age of the cabinet cabin L make we know that the english cale cach abet et makers chippendale hepplewhite sheraton and the adam brothers flourished th enand that their work was copl copied edby by our own t 1 PAPER 16 WERY 0 2 lo 10 TAP c N cabinet makers of the late colonial period the furniture types of df their day have become be corrie standard with us but we seldom stop to think about the kind of curtains and draperies that were originally used with this furniture visitors to the reconstructed village ol of williamsburg Vs va are often surprised to lind that venetian blinds were the fashion long before the revolution and the well tailored canvas lined valance used with door boor length chintz draperies also seem modern to them yet these were the curtain curlain styles when ladles ladies and gentlemen wore powdered wigs valances were made lust t as wa make them today and were tacked ked t to a valance board in pretty much the abo e sarno same manner as is shown hete here NOTE MOTE this Is the second ol of a series on modern adaptations of period curtain fashions another version of the shaped type of valance Is given in BOOX BOOK 5 ot of the series of ten booklets on an sewing for or the home to get copy of book 6 5 send 15 cents direct to MRS RUTH WYETH SPEARS SPEAKS redford bedford hills new york drawer 10 enclose IS 15 cents for book no S 8 name daress address 1 I how to relieve bronchitis relieves promptly because use it boea coea right to the seat beat ol of the trouble tes to help loosen loose and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature arm to soothe and heal raw tender inflamed bron bronchial clil mucous membranes tell your druggist to sell bell you a bottle of with the understanding d der you must like the way vay it quickly a allays a the co cough or you are am to have your money back C R E 0 N for coughs chest colds bronchitis MEDICATED soothe itch of daple rashes by sprinkling on POWDER FOR rn me the thi thing IP m medicated edica ted powder re FAMILY USE I 1 ieves diaper rash DONT LL LET constipation SLOW YOU UP when bomeli are sluggish and you yoo feel irritable babl hada headachy ky do as million do cochew chow chew FEEN A MINT the modern chewing gurn gum lexa laxative tivo simply chow FEEN A MINT before you go to bed taking only in accordance with package directions direction sleep leep without being I 1 disturbed next morning gentle thoi thorough ough relief helping you feet feel twell again agnan try FEEN A MINT tastes good is ii handy bandy and economic aLA generoli gener rous oui family supply ir FEEN A MINT coite 10 0 0 OLDER PEOPLE r try great tonic many doctors ass adais see how good lasting scotts telpi helps tons tone up your system helps bud up stamina na tad ind resist resistance arice against aldust colds if there li Is a dietary deficiency of A D vitamins its simply talie scott day daily throughout the yew its great I 1 sv buy A aff at t your druggists druggiSt 3 today I 1 jl SCOTT Is emulsion creat year rohnl |