Show OUR OUK MEN IEN and wolfen UNDER ln the COORS r j r r mrs airs doyd boyd julander Julan dei lias has recoiled word void that her husband who was recently lecent ly inducted into the service is training with the army engineers at a camp in alabama announcement has been made by headquarters european tile the titer of operations united states army that mgt lark laik allen alien of antimony is now in england and is aiding in the training of troops for the invasion of occupied ell pled europe according to a release in a recent publication 4 word has been received by i relatives elath es here that lt biar harvey ey gibbs son of 0 mis airs dann dana gibbs of ogden formerly fon neily of marksville marysville Mary Marys avale ville took an active part in a radio broadcast tor for tile the purpose of 0 encouraging cou raging ft women omen to join the naval reserve the program was broadcast broad cot on november 3 1944 |