Show postwar farm shoppers want machinery first farm machinery and automobiles top the list of postwar purchases hasea planned by american farmers according to the nationwide nation wide farmei Far mez speaks poll conducted tor for successful farming magazine in answer to the question what are the first big purchases you definitely Ilif tely plan to make after the war lis Is over and things can be bough again 33 per cent of the farmers farmer named machinery 20 26 per cent auto mobiles 15 per cent real estate and 13 per cent that they planned to make repairs on their homes refrigerators were e named by 11 per cent of th those 0 se f farmers amers questioned stoves and furnaces by 9 per cent electrical equipment and furniture by 7 per cent washing machines by 5 per cent building materials by 4 per cent radios by 3 per cent and miscellaneous by 11 per cent in the second question asked in iii tills this monas poll it was learned that livestock and dairy products are the chief cash crop or product of 43 per cent of all farmers grains vet are second at 22 per cent |