Show three men drafted one enlists to serve nation in war under the selective service three I 1 inductees I 1 oft left pluto plute county last hiorth for induction into the service they wore were duano duane luke of kingston lole late cutt cliff of Marys marysvale vale and dick Moi tenson of Cir circleville cleville howard nutt 0 of marksville marysville Marys ville enlisted in tile army and left arl frilay friday for induction D dewey e w e y and wallace johnson of circleville Cir cleville clel lle were called in the same lay clay for physical examination the following men inen will go to salt lake city on marel 9 for foi physical examinations vert veil dalley dailey of hurricane joseph garn betenson tenson Ue of beaven odell F peterson of logan ilar old W smith of Plo pioche clie nevada eugene carson caison of Spring springville ville clarence claience A smith of sandy bandy albert albeit owen otten quist of cedar city duane 11 I 1 dalton of junction and rollo r F peterson Pet eison of marys vale ale scott sargent argent has been transferred to tile the local board at pace and will go from there for its his examination |