Show 11 1 I brief agricultural items of interest with president Roosevel ts recent signing of 0 an appropriations bill granting 30 for recruiting housing and transportation por tation of laborers to aid tamers farmers of the nation in the 1944 crop season utah has been givon given the go ahead signal extension director direct or W W owens announces noun ces G alvin carpenter utah extension economist has been re appointed state supervisor of the farm labor program funds for the work will be divided between the extension service and the office of labor U S department of agriculture of this money a portion will come to utah to be used in conducting the program work in 1944 will be directed similarly to the program ot of last year advises the state director the program will be conducted in close cooperation with many agencies in utah such as county farm labor committees federal and state agencies schools processors civie civic clubs churches and other groups insects commonly controlled by insecticides have in several cases developed increased resistance to the chemical commonly used to control them reports dr george P F knowlton extension entomologist of the utah state r agricultural college in certain areas of the united states the small codling moth larvae or apple worms have developed resistance to chem chemical leal sprays and have thus become more difficult to control the san jose scale another orchard pest which occurs in utah hah hab dv developed eloped resistance to time lime sulphur spray which w was as first used in 1914 pasturage and forage crops have been de designated ignatee bythe war food administration as production increment crops an action that permits the use of more fertilizer per acre on these crops particularly ammonium nl nI farmers are encouraged to place orders with their local dealers immediately the local dealers in turn will request shipment of supplies to till fill the needs of 0 their customers the germ which killed napolean is the same one which causes too many losses in dairy and swine herds in this country today napolean died of undulant fever caused by the bru cellus germ which Is responsible tor for bangs disease of cattle and swine A garden maintained in the same location tor for a number of years tends to accumulate diseases in the soil that make culture of certain cerialo crops most difficult all types of home canning jars and closures available on the r retail market last summer will again be manufactured tor for 1944 canning in addition permission to make the standard mason size zinc lid with porcelain lining has been granted by asinine zinc is now in more ample supply rubber rings for 1944 will be made of reclaimed rubber and synthetics no crude rubber will be available tor for this purpose this year these wartime rings require somewhat different handling I 1 from those available in prewar years terraces can be economically and practically constructed with the ordinary moldboard mold board plow A two bottom plow will build a good sized terrace in from 30 to 40 rounds home rendered lard will keep best it if packaged in small containers ta Is the advice of K X F warners extension meat specialist of to te U S department of agriculture who explains that exposure to air causes orl orld atlon dation and eventually a strong flavor the use of small containers such as two quart lars jars or five to buckets means that the lard will be consumed more promptly than otherwise thereby reducing the amount of exposure to the orld izina influence of air filling the containers close to the top so that little air Is left above the lard and using a reasonably airtight air tight seal also helps in keeping the contents sweet it if these small packages of lard are put where they will chill promptly the lard will set with a smooth grain store in a dark cool place if you are producing hatching eggs it Is essential that you gather them frequently during cold weather it if left for long periods in extreme cold they may freeze and thus reduce their value as hatching eggs this year more than ever it Is essential that we produce more than ever before all fruit trees are bene fitted by annual pruning while dormant some of them as the brambles and the grape suiter suffer badly if this care Is omitted for f even one year to braise meat brown it in a little fat on the D top of the stove then cover and finish cooking either on the stove or in the oven liquid either water or tomato Is sometimes added perspiration harms harma leather so its best to have two pairs of work shoes to wear alternate daya dan this will give them a chance to air and dry out mr and mrs mis J B williams returned home saturday evening having spent several days in salt lake city and ogden mr williams left again sunday for ogden where he has secured employment |