Show is CHILD CROSS FEVERISH SICK look mother if tongue to 11 coated give california syrup of figs children 1 love this fealt ii laxative ave in booder gad and nothing else elsa cleanses the tender stomach ito macli liver and bowels so BO nicely A child imply will sot not top atop playing to empty the bowels and the result it Is they become tightly clogged with waste to liver get gets sluggish 1 9 glob stomach note then your little one ona becomes crosa cron half sick flick feverish verlah to dent don t eat cerep or ac act t n naturally funny a breath I 1 la had bad system full ot of cold b has bora or thrust throat stomach zalus or diarrhoea listen mother se see it if tongue ilon 1 la coated then than give a teaspoonful of california gamp or of PCs figa and it 1 in a few honra bear all 11 the constipated waste our bile and unit undigested canted food out of the ay tem and you have well child again 11 ll 1 lion 0 ot t mothers g give ive california syrup of at PC figa bacans it 1 la perfectly barm less children love it and it never falls fall to act on im the ft ch liver ilter and bowels ask at the tha rom etore for a M docent cent bentli dottl of contend california syrup of at piga PCs which he haa full dinc directions tl tor far liable babies children childree of all ages and tor for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle adv ado PRESSED HARD coffees Coff eca weight on an old when people realize the injurious electa at ot or coffee and the better health add that a change to can bring they are usually glad to lend lead their testimony for the benefit of others other my mother since her early child be hood ad was waa an inveterate coffee drink or er had been troubled with her heart tor for a number of years and complained ot of stomach that at weak all over feeling and sick sam some time ago 9 1 I won was making a visit to a distant part of the country and took dinner with one me of the merchants of the place I 1 noticed a come what unusual usual flavor of the no coffee and ad asked him concerning it III H replied reb pit B it that it was I 1 was eo pleased with it that I 1 bought a package to carry home with me and had wife prepare some same tor for the next meet meal th the what family liked it so well wall that we discontinued coffee calls and ad used dead P pomatum sturn entirety entirely I 1 had been vry very anxious co concerning 9 my other mother B condition ondi tion but we wa noticed t that h at after using feature tor for a short time she felt much better had bad little trouble with her heart and no sick stomach that the hao dab were nut not BO a frequent and her gener general I 1 condition in reh improved T athla him I 1 continued until bhe he we waa well and hearty heart I 1 know past pomatum has baa benefited my elf belt and the other members of the th family specially especially my mother as aha was waa a 4 victim of long standing leading nam given by co ca bottle battle creeke mich cornea comes in two t a forms past cereal th the ligmal orlE iaal form fic must oat to be well boiled loc and cac pack one instant pomatum a 0 soluble powder ill dissolves oly O a quickly in a cup CUD of hot W ter and with cream bud and sugar makes makei a delicious dell cloua beverage beve raga instantly and nd ile ao 00 it tin both kind hinda ara am equally dell fou md and cost coat about the tha same ame per cup there a reason beacon for old by Gro grocer larS |