Show we con can do your printing juat as co u would like it the love between a mother and daughter is a very fair and gracious tie but to gain it itou jou must find the golden mean between and want ant of divinity for you must arim life without being frivolous you must guide unconsciously so that the ch check eck la is unnoticed you must isain t the he art of making new friend ship to appreciate new impressions impre abiona to move with ith the times time and above all you must never appear dowdy it is a great mistake but alas too earn common in onforio for a man to neglect dress it 13 a absolutely imperative that the middle aged woman be garbed be coming and well dress to a woman is like the setting to a jewel it is it a duty they own owe to them wives selves and to the world in general we are already influenced by our surroundings and a well dressed woman has the same effect on our senses as a char in mg ing picture or a melodious strain of music belie aehee e me there is adi ginty as aa well as a grace in dress which does doea much to influence those about us it I 1 is the arity for every woman at all times of her life to look as beautiful as possible whenever you have an oto op factually port unity talk subscription to the times timea and remember to keep it up you know we want ant that 1000 sub scribers bers by january 1 1917 the original inhabitants tents of america the cliff dweller dwellers are we well ted in the rennal kb e ex hibits of the beautiful san doeg position post t 0 n this is one of the interest ing side do t trips rip in connection with the salt lake routes big personally con an dueled ducted mid winter excursion lev leav mg ing salt lake city on january a nuary ath the special trains will be equipped with standard and tourist sleeping cars dining and observation cars make your reservation early the fare to los loa angeles and return will be 35 00 with diverse routes at slightly higher rates for further particulars particular consult any salt lake ran route agent or address J H man de derfield feldA A GP G F A 10 E ard 3rd south creth st salt Lake City utah |