Show HAS KEEN EYE FOR BUSINESS one do english eng h volunteer policeman in att wit probably wilt will not M t L lose much by th tho war the th tithing of hla 1 ally fly john job bull ari or even eve now not at quite quit invisible to th the fr frenchman he and the following story of a special constable or volunteer policeman li ceman in london 1 la related not a t without aitho it malice mal to by ft part paris paper aa buat 8 t after the lat zeppelin Zopp eLfin raid when in the orders against snowing showing lights light were or very alc tlc it thia w was on duty I 1 in cones ot of the sub kobry ea Y urn time us be saw so houam if u that was waa letting I 1 its if lights shifts too freely out of it ita wi windows or do he be knocked at t the trout door and called the attention of the householder to the rules la in such euch cases case mad ad ind ad provided end and to the tha danger and as in becoming a special P ma constable conat abl be h bad ad not ceased caused to be ba a me man of bar business I 1 h he not only itly called attention to it th yset silly badly shaded she died 1 light fight tint but bitted a contrivance ce for subduing th aba e allor this contrivance he be said he be had tried in his own ho house with vieb the most aws t as Batia I 1 talent factory effect 11 all ali with the most disinterested air imaginable his NJ next cost top step was waa to draw from his hf overcoat ovar most coat pocket packet a ale gampl of th taa s con or cl trl tri vanc itself with the tha remark that flat hs he had just juat happened to be ba carrying errye 9 it hoefl hers to p particular friend w irao had aaker him to presents it thi the to result was that at the end and of hll him time ot 1 duty be bb had bad writt written an down in a little ht Is note book a couple of hundred or orders drs tor for I 1 the he wonderful shade which meant that he be was waa able to collect in at the role rate of a ahll ahil ling a shade on matter of jck 5 or 25 atter or to put it to magnificently in french coinage franca franc |