Show IS MECCA OF SPIES SPIE Sal swarms with agents of central powers watch every train and vessel with out molestation t I 1 tk performed with cy cynical ical audacity that la is really provoking london from Sal Sad an english press correspondent clon under data of november af 25 it the follow ing account of the spy system estaba dished there by germany and h her a at al alea silica blue it be became the be base ot 11 the fill anglo flo french operations par if in the bal kans Sal baa be attained an inner imbor tance as unprecedented imam cooled in 1 all 11 its tiia ita i lory tw it b ba b become ohn the g gathering th place piece ot of a ht heterogeneous g assemblage blag of soldiers representing nearly hourly every race under the sun and besides beside it 11 be baa been inflated infested with such euch an army of spies plus that on one fairly tumbles stumble a over let them Sal seems to have become a veritable paradise to thee the contempt this individuals who it strut rut about here her at their leisure without being nice inter fored with in the least they pet perform Torad their tasks with a cynical audacity which irh I 1 fa really provoking here ono one will find end the elite ot of tho the german GO austrian and bulgarian bulgaria world ot of espionage As soon boon as a traveler alights light fro from a train at Sal same sly aly looking person Is sure to be on hand sizing up not only the new arri vaa al himself but also his bia baggage etc if possible the watchful person will try to get a peep at the newcomers passport az too when this 1 ta present presented it for inspection thin the trail is foll followed 2 to the hot hotel where subsequently the tha clerk will be pumped for all the in formation he be may arly be able to supply th then the iam waiters a are enlisted listed 1 in the die asa service I 1 of the spy py and it if they cannot pick up enough satisfactory news through bits of casual conversation with their patron some outsider will be hired to bocc occupy up 7 theat the nearest table in the tha dining room I 1 in order to try to draw out the stronger stranger by the approved cpr d hall hail fellow well met at method it the goings going and ad comings of conall nary private persons persona are observed so closely one may rest assured that not a single logil trav transport arrives or a soldier espert disembarks dis embarks without phout that in fact at being reported immediately to sofia coo con or berlin N nor can the ned ed a 21 greek government be his blamed 1 tor not t intervening 1 in the nefarious business u sto a greece maintains its neutrality ty and nd on I 1 n the whole who Is this neutrality la 1 0 ent to the alalea of on the other hand band ench the english french F military sound ties have the their ir hands tied in this mat ter and are aul quite be lm impotent felt to take any cy rep efficacious mo measures u u tor a protection against the salea aple the problem h however ower 1 is no ona which calls call for a prompt solution |