Show TRAVELS FAR FOR SKATING lure of winter sports too much for elov eleven year old it american boy in brazil new york IW yea is a youngster of 0 whom great at thin things se in may 7 be expected already at tho the a age g e of alog level eleven ho he he has the tha nerve the d daring a and add the tha qualities which many a per person of more mature years year would cold desire to P a moyes will tell you yen he ba i is a self elf made ad in man an and it tell it to you with all 11 the pride of an american cid we A mya spot ten 1 when han a fellow Is only eleven years old it ft takes a lot of at hustling years to get t an aldu enough ch in money y t together bar to make k a iri trip down dowat to brazil all but moy moyses eal thinka th ilk nothing of such a mere are trifle as the handicap of age when be makes ekes tin up his bis mind he 1 is going to ge get ahat hat h ha wants A number of years ago his mot mother or wh who f formerly lived in braik ay lyn married retail a second time and with he her husband went want to same borne tank town tow down in 11 brazil the name of the place which ch became k known sm only coy through III the efforts effort of moyses a a I 1 is bello horizonte Horizon te when moyses it decided that he ought to give his bia moth er a chance to see bee how her son had grown into young manhood lie he start ed ad off a on his bis long voyage from tho the home of the relatives relative with whom his bis mother placed him in brooklyn ca never me for fee a moment id thinking the that in bello riot even vs the very oldest of the oldest residents does not let know knew what a chunk of I 1 ice ca I 1 looks like with eleven years year esp experience vic I 1 in a world of hard knocks he be ventured out into tho the great grant unknown in search bearch of bello horizonte Horizon Hor lEonte te and arrived there to the U great at delight and astonishment astonished t of his mother for far a while brazil ap p pealed 0 a led to t him but when the tha pictures picture of the kids kid belly whopping and ice fee kating refused to be ird erased fr from his brain moyses monreo decided to shake the dust of bello off his heels and started for far hla his home burg arriving rivine ar late in december the au ties at ellis wand island were v so aston shed at seeing the youngster that at first they did not know knew who what t to do with him it was only after they had an official co conference froc with washing to ton that hat they got get over or it in the mean while they gave him the best on the is island land until it n waa as decided decide it the that t being a native here born american citizen he is entitled to ill all the dignity and consid evat for due such a per person |