Show notice of contest for publication department 13 ilea of it the interior UW uniti sud office suit C 0 ty utah uh j january 14 ell T to samuel P r ed f k 1 oil ic hereby not find tant williamn B barail ton who kivel E im E suit lak r city utah did on As 25 E 1315 11 fillin 1 W hi duly 1 r 11 1 to ele nd dw schun hjelt le the hll ancell lion of your antry erial no akufo mai carrh 4 el I 1 or w ell 10 town hii 32 S a W S skit lilic iek nix I 1 e d for hr context he clefe tarl ud sunad u P mil 1 I I 1 he t lw iret or of mid 1 land d 1 he hag lid li d tham y you re of O f further forth t the that the ti sid d will wie nd d houi nil antry ill without further either before thin office won p if you fail to nie in th ahr ofhie I 1 ill within a day adur atur ah the FOU FOURTH 11 bb icat I 1 on of ahr h no 11 tice B chown hw below your newer under oth to them of eon left kith disc proof ihna you have a coily of your s answer on el the ad d bew contestant ath alth er ID or h by to idail d you to boo E in I 1 your of theo the post office to which rou future noticed to he be ant to yon GOULD go Z B BLAKELY artee df date of fl harbt pah publication janety 19 1919 2919 D d shott publication J january t K iss taic U of third icat on february F 2 1916 E dete date of fourth publication 1915 notice of contest fir publication 10 1 0 department of f the h interior land ollice eh sell bait lake city utah january 14 esi to AS AB amand of 1 lo 10 ahe calif vor arc hereby by notified r that rellen ROM aeh aeran gis E lal N north nh h st at salt t lake ke city Y utah uh BR hr her post v office dd da d on file in her duly application loconteR te ted the t fleo of f your E entry S serial 0 N no 04 0 4 made leth sept z 24 1313 for I 1 lota I 1 4 E H SW W sec ais rew lot t I 1 nd d E H NW 14 s section so 30 Th chlo lo as 32 8 age a ge 8 W salt lake eo lz Merc dian and d d h tod ae allce leid A amand d B leavelle 11 ha cultivated no part of f uta laid land B nd d he has obed abandoned m fmc you am are ferth further o notified alm that tho the said d allegation will 1 he be taken ai 11 af and d your aard entry 1 will M to be echt without rh dunber right ht to be heard either tho before m 6 thit 61 1 offitt no ot or on oe appeal 1 um if you fit 64 to ell file to in this office tel within this twenty day after the fourth RI hu to of ahr notice aa hown below your anwer oath h aly responding to ehtel the of conteas together with th d due proof f th that you he have served ft copy of your anwer on the a d ant ath either in o gereon or b by mail 1 Y hould to answer e to ane name of if th eho poat office to which hab 71 you d future 1 m W ba ent to you BLAKELY LAL renter ne date of ll 11 fi drat publication ih J jan K 1916 dor dof date ecock d publication fob fb 2 1916 2916 daf dor dof publication fb I 1 isla 1916 new date or of fourth abl n feb 11 Is hela 1316 |