Show PAROWAN DAY AT ROUNDUP haydn blayd society band boys boy and large crowd of citizens Citi zeni will ili attend last saturday george A mitchell representing the haydn society bond band boys and citizens of parowan carowan went to cedar 21 and d met with pine romer homer of 1 the B A C in regard to having a Paro aan day at the coming mg roundup according to mr mitchell prin romer homer was wag pleased to know that the organizations and the people of par wan owan desired to have a day strictly for parowan carowan and gaie caw assurance that he would do all in his power to make of it 11 a success auche the he 1 matter I was thoroughly gone over by the tw two 0 gentlemen and february 12 w waa a a t the he date chosen for parowan carowan Pa rowan day mr mitchell Mitch etl reported sunday afternoon to the haydn society and others interested in the matter and stated that prin homer will welcome the people of Pa carowan parowan Paro rowan waa and desired that some of the musical talent of this city prepare either vocal or instrument strument ment cent numbers to be rendered during the sessions of the roundup that will be held beld on feb 12 i after mr mitchells mitchella report had bad been accepted by the haydn society a decision was reached that it should be the plan to give in the college auditorium on the evening of feb 12 a concert to be followed by a dance at which our noted orchestra will play in addition to the above it was decided that the band boys would be on the grounds before the commencing of the morning session to dispense stirring and patriotic music and siso also to play at Linter intervals vals during the day it was also decided to give the the concert and dance absolutely free to all who card to participate as aa well as to furnish the musical numbers during the sessions of the days roundup work and the band boys will furnish plenty of band music during the day without cost it means that nearly musical people of parowan carowan will be in cedar on feb 12 and give to the people of our sister city a day of pleasure long to be remembered it also means that a large number of par owan citizens who are interested I 1 in the roundup will be in attendance that day and cedar will for once ca have the privilege of entert entertaining aning nearly the whole of farolan parowan the assurance however has been given that entertainment will be furnished all who care to come and as is well known there are a great many people of cedar who he are hospitality personified and will welcome the people of parowan carowan heartily to spend a day at cedar the expense of transportation is to be met by local people and the means will be raised in some way not yet decided upon but it is learned that the parowan carowan boosters boasters bo are intending to come through liberally that the auto owners and owners of teams and rigs nga will furnished them at half price and wine some of the citizens will furnish outfits free of charge the program that is being arranged for t to be de given on parowan carowan Pa rowan day in 1 l cedar is not yot completed but will be in a day or two and will no doubt be published in the times NOW LETS BOOST FOR PAR OWAN DAY AT ATTHE THE ROUNDUP FEBUARY 12 1916 |