Show IF YOU WANT TO BE LOVED ant ont find fault D dont n believe all the evil you hear dont aper religious reli Rious belief dont be rude to your inferior in social position dont repeat gossip even if it does interest a crowd dont go untidy on the plea that everl everybody body knows you dont contradict people even if you are sure you are right I 1 dont underrate an thing because you dont possess it dont believe that everybody else in the world is happier than you dont conclude that you never have any of the opportunities in life dont be inquisitive about the affairs of even your most intimate friends dont get in the habit of vulgar pang izing life by making light of the sentiment an of it dont express a positive tive opinion unless you perfectly understand what you are talking about dont try to be anything a else but a gentlewoman and that means a woman who has consideration for the whole world and whose lite life is go vernered by the golden rule do unto others as you would have th tant m do unto you |