Show to users state slate I 1 Vil gines 09 oma offic salt att like lake city utah may 12 1913 detlet IB a gidtrey site glen a 1 that hat the 0 smith whose pelt peat ofick address Is I 1 b utah ulai has hae wad made application la in accordance with the ta sequire menis of 0 the compiled laws law ot of utah 1907 as an amended by q telea law utah 19 and ad to appropriate two twell and cae OB halt half 12 14 cubic toot ft of water per secord lcou flom hall crete creek county utah uh said water will be b diverted at a point lies south SO 86 feet et distant dlf nf of a joint on en a lo 10 11 1 ledge of rock DO BO and a cc brosi oa 06 lor or the exact point frota abere it will vill be 1 conveyed by means ofa of a canal for a distance of oct fret and there used front from connary Jon Jai inari nary 1 to december 31 inclusive of each year to io Irrig rata fw acres of lind land embraced 1 in I township 37 gollih range karge 8 easi bait salt balt lalie lake base baa and aad this application Is I 1 designated la in the state mu E gl gasero sero office as ac no MM COSO all protests against the granting of said aid a stating the rea must mt te be wide mad by affidavit la in stud and tiled kabble lat til office within telny SO days day alter the completion of the publication of his collm otic W D beers state slate register Ba flair date of flat publication tiou may aj 1911 date of t completion at rf publication jose jae 21 1913 notice to water user agers state engineers engineer office salt isalt lake ablie city utah 1 ay may iy 13 12 1913 la baraby aleu that fil EH smith and d 1 r L stewart alose pat ftc 1 addres alre utah have hate made application in accordance with abe tb requirements of the compiled laws law of utah 1907 aj aa amended by br bo k session lairs of utah and jo to appropriate one oa 1 1 cylc aioo cl f water ater per icv good fr arfa lh north canyon crook garfield dott county ity utah bitah said water will be 41 df frfd kt at a point which bears betth 79 Is d gre wm ft feet distant ol of the nabe comer of f section SO SN township as 86 south aoth jag 2 wt west bait lake bai bags and aad merld toB groin fron where what it t will be ba cOlive coay yeA cd ty mab ef t a ifor or A daunce of at W feet fast and there used red from mircle I 1 to t Doc december embar 81 of each year yari to t irrigate igata Irr 60 acres aar of lead ld embraced in sections Sect loii 29 and aad 51 31 86 th 2 knit r nw bas kiaei s a aad ud meridian it if det treated in n the state ears office number SM 50 all pretests kaiatt the granting of said la 14 i the he runoal knutt t pj oab ba a fiatt ti aTt 11 la and aed ld iti i ahlis tt itao office lck thirty 30 19 after the ca i fai of two bl our vr wi i D DEM rears 1 atias att RaC tIllar if arst Pub cati MY 22 date 4 of af pf p P alei jat 1411 31 21 am liia i cons constipation t apati ipati an cured cum dr klaga new life pills kills will r re el lieve promptly and get your bowtle bowl in herlth healthy gain again rohn john sic of f San bary pa say ay ei thy they are an the th bet pills 1 ever used uil and I 1 adavto thyone to urfe thorn for constipation indigestion and liver com plaint will help you only atily recommended by all NOTICES consult corint y dark clark or respective signers for further information NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of walter baker deceased creditors Creditor swill present claims with vouchers to th the athis root ri dence at Ri Rich clifield neli county utah on or before day of f september A D 1913 i dated at richfield utah ahli ath day of may A D b 1913 george baker administrator odthe of the estate of walter bakr deceased H 4 bayef attorney foi for administrators I 1 I 1 r health a fact factor r ih success the actor contributing ia a mans undoubtedly maith it has hab bep been observed that a aman Is 1 aldom idom sick when his are cretul vir ar he Is never wll well when hen they ari are con sti for constipation yai you will find nothing quite 10 lood good as ai Chai lains laine stomach and liver tablet they not only note the bowels adt improve the appetite and tb the diges digestion they are for sale by bk all dealers De alera notice for publication of the iba interior V U B lna lala offic fifee af stat slit laus cit city it rutlt arli 24 lota kotte i rby bir alwa C tl 2 fa fa of f whoop who oa ar ap I 1 L 10 aa ha bar N fey 11 sec 21 habe ali sect tit 21 06 B W V tu fealt I 1 t lai MM fitol X to as 1 it yalar to ast albush uhf ti tf as IM d at di albec before tec clark ftc 0 at ata i tt 0 o 2 day 0 y efte t eates n csop K dball wm win abair aud u adlof Ul webar ludar rufth vy g fc 21 S zip notice to water vater I 1 state 1 aalt lake lak a city utah luah april k april 29 1013 salt notice cc la lk hereby glou aliat ih at the forest service of the U S Depatt atut of au 11 1 culture cul tare by its lt 0 o supervisor orria C snow silo w whose who postoffice pott post office addrain has li raid application til fit accord arici with the requirements requirement the compiled law of 0 utah I 1 AS nold nD ld by tbt th alda laws L ot of utah leoan josd d tell to three 3 eb clib lift loteal of batir per tr benil from fora dave da a allow ark Gar garbold dold kalah said viter katr will be t atrid diverted lT rid at a bear I 1 fish 40 delrosso de arc frosso west wat 1854 1144 ta di digital sital of ia a rl kat far cornot ad 0 settle lt fw filp 3 if tk 4 wt west salt sall uh oswe ikid from ailers kra it will abe fc taa by for or a dl tco feet att and oa 04 there used frem aprill Apri tl to ia october 31 of 0 each year to lir liate ts a acre c r as of land d embraced Is section 10 and 15 town ftp i lp gouth range 4 salt aika base bar nail and meridian this application 1 designated la the state e er A office as a no all pro tet against we granting of f said application we te reasons reason must anit be b nada made by affidi affidavit vit in and all tn this office within thirty 30 days publication orthis of ebli altice doors state engineer vale of 1 I first arit may 8 1913 date it Gimple tiou it june jau 7 ms 1912 notice to T 1 l vw vans state kolaas Kola af oiste suit salt lake city utah april 21 1913 bouce Is hersby flatea ib atiat it brt bar peters et al office aadnes ta loAl iBo alder utah 1 have ardo in accordance altti the requirements of ati compiled law of atah 1907 ai an amended by 11 the session laws law of utah aad 1911 tor appropriate 8 cubic feet of water per second from went dibir dt cseke garfield county uth utah saia bald water will be diverted ted at a polut point which lies atthe at the north sait corner of section is i 83 3 boutho oath kaoga 4 east ft salt jak base bar aud meridian tram from where it will bo ft conT bontya ya wy by of a ditch for a lull lot for a alata dl ata of feet aad there frela mareb too to october stober 31 lucli sive of 0 seek h yost year to IrrIg ais acri of t JAW em cm Is 1 0 township Towai alp 34 south majide 5 east a batt bait uke baso bac and application Is th state tate olsee fl as if all ail protests f massiatt pas ot ok said ald ovil cation tabo rea most be made by affeid ATI i to la duplicate mad ind ld in ohe wathla thirty 30 30 day after the c of the publication c ol of this lia notice W 1 D sets sta te Hairl beblar EB lar dear date data ol of first avril april 21 24 19 1613 ikc of f completion df publication may islay AIL 1 SIOU reward 0 aw at atte win tc daml t to teuk was k itaf 1216 ft t L tout eoe a i ed choum t ackney belf ho h ft 14 I 1 to WM its its aa 4 tout so abl 1 ruai I auh ur ow only I 1 P w w naovu to ur 1116 1 ity catarrh MW a WM ian nuke 6 is I 1 larl miaL mals lf CAL 0 li tak am ater taUr UK stort ba abw 00 a doles M wad 0 o uth the um na MM daha work ork for moti tat ur tw off any arif stat it tul W F cw end lk of AA darca A 4 ar f ac 1 Y ft 4 tate 0 told by hilll ON I 1 IDD f farally ills yott have a d deed eed have ave you yota a title 41 abstracts Abst acts of title prepared deeda Mortka mortgages and an d 8 11 with of notary work done at reasonable bric prices lubus ap P ipson aastra abstractor aitor L U UMBER M B t R we e have the beet lutfi ter in the country laths baths fence p packets ic f abts prompt attention to lohouse house bills barn bills we have ail kinds oi of limyr lu worthel Wor theft son mayer CO 06 hillry tillers Till Tollo irs no not for got get that it pays nien men an women to go where they affet the moat for th their air money men may talk but bui get the result that Is the stuff aug cracker jack suits auita made to order io io 10 00 66 coffon b each suit mens mena shirts mena hate hata cloth glove ac groceries all kinds hinds birds eye matches 6 boxes boxe a for coal oil regular price many parities vari iea ties of hardath Hardwi 6 horse shoes clocks buggy tires aties abea and handles handle snap nap rings fry pans pani 8 bobet of lye filc anouse mouse traps se ee each overalls Ove ralla tsIa all 11 II sizes tin pans post wire nails bolts tin cups singletrees single trees double trees buggy whips men iiii and j ladles ladies underwear eari stove pipes and har ness oil call an d see we dont make a face at yay you because you ask to took look T try ry us and learn for yourself if it if pays you we do not promise you a di drawback aback and thion than tell teft you wo we have gone in the hole also alao gra grain in ha hay por or sale notice for publication Impart meat ail J the interior Int arlor 1 l s aland onice ollice at yali olt lake utah aj US NOTICE to 1 hereby laititi elyce that arcule prairie rih attah who oah wade sarlat 00 no tor for sa ail M N ua ity 9 A X 34 seq SM 10 A N S W 9 if 1 township 83 8 kiri A 8 W isalt at tk lake WT marl idian has hi filed notice of fole atins to fl at P 2060 etilio to the J he land lanc above before boretta tm clark estrict cair of CoUntY st utah du tit tac at day of jbv aar 1913 names naia ole dari df ri kart tl D talbot 1 jones or of tarik PA fak donals etab alien lir linger lii Back backberg bers vials urh E D a rh register Kel tr notice to users atta sta to Euyl net boce batt alt laic city et utah ah april 21 lila i Is hereby h reby firem that chrle charles aifer choai post office redro Is I 1 coyoli utah hool hi 8 tead made application in fit accordance accord kac HH 1 d ot of the laws ii ai of utah 1907 an amended by bi the th session seln aai of utah 1900 and ad 1911 to appropriate tte beg halt hall cubic cable toot foot of water pr per ccann second conj aco crook garfold Garfit ld C emaly baig water will mill be t diverted 1 point which tied II 11 J no fast north ot of the sAti vesi 61 01 section atlon 85 5 township 31 crowth itasca 3 west sa lali base bar and ad ardaila ardai aa doai where d I 1 will toe be ty by means maa of f a ditch for ft a distance of 2040 2640 feet aud anil that used id from april 1 to september so 30 inclusive of f eacil afi year to irrigate 85 35 acrie acre of land mtr embt acid atea bear ia a Seo tion 35 5 township 71 31 south loath haape i we as t salt S a lt lake lak ba bam and a aa V bi i deayn dei yn d la in lh ilk tale as all protests prot citi the riall nr j of f wl 14 appl atlon assaul artio t wi must be 1140 toy ia td filed in 1 a this talk nobce within thirty 39 doyd after the comi com lotion ok pi I 1 1 this notice satte inglr dt date of at first april tt 4 4 date af or of of may 24 dilce to users stal a Angl clattra KB aters office sih lake city uh 0 arll april al 13 kotce 0 ilce la Is hereby aff tia that jaroe jam H and t william 8 dal daily ly whose pot post ofle addrel pid is I 1 spry utah have hate made lit in accordance with the foments of compiled laws of IB 1007 RB amended by ehg the session laws of utah 1909 aid IOUs to ay ap p pro ro pHate pilate five teossa i dahs 25 WO ofa f a tuble cubic toot foot of 0 water par r coma bd froni freij knoll kaall county utah said saia spring Is 1 iia td it a which heart bears north 62 iea deir rrB fode 22 clarles siet lit 22 feet distant of ibe irest rt quart larer lar tr kt cr of saillon 18 99 22 alk th 6 wt west salt lake biad and aad from ff where it willbe convoyed cok voyed ty by of i pipe pip line alir got for a of 13 1 abia ahre ha used d from t t e aft r 15 of each ah yf year fox kibak wa lolles this it Is in ciol aiu att Ear loera dit M fo all protest airlift ali the of 61 application W the rion Iti ahr artio orr unit matt be t mid aia aad filid filed in till this office illicit go 30 day after the tb compla completion tio ef the ox tills this notice W D bor sota tt IC elrar ai I 1 bata of irm artie aico ini a date ate of ff my 7 IQ bals united states state alt lake city utah a apis T 11 way riby coif ur i ap notice fil t tie t sla toof utah utah toas has aled filed in this mee ac of at lam lina select ed by the tb said 14 slits sit under section 6 of f at ai of congress Caf frit july IS lag Il ralty ally school landi tin sw A sec 33 T 35 8 R I lra E S L ll cople copies of said aid floto iusti far he they thai relate relt to said 14 tracts by descriptive iTe have hate bin been poi id thin office for Inspect lin ibi by any perd aud and by th a bridde the th W period st ef of this notice or of any ny I 1 a inai an ba b for approval in od 4 trdy ra ballor llor IT ft profton or contasta con testa flit against b 1 q state to antof tr bracis tc or r ag T tie ja xi iii tie atme atta i Is were arr talia Tali 2 for r th tb aj for will 14 r rt attl tl a aa 4 d flota for report f is tag k genital laki office at washingto a I 1 if C failure so 10 to pr contesti conte ati the tle a pc tl will lill of noil minerad character e har acter of h ho tracts tract aad a a d thi the selection s hereof beloff otherwise free ff ir acia d objection b bo to th the K E 0 it ThoA poon tr notice united states la iad ofte salt lake city vh ucb march M to whom it may corcira coa ciaci cira rai notice ii 1 hereby clr elrea that tho tk gnats ar utah his hf filed to this till ofte ilif hats of lana lB fr selected lc td b by the th said id stani badr 0 the til act of at Cd agress approved atly ja 14 SM as a school laabs alx tt kams WK W see se a I 1 r T 31 S it 2 W S 81 L M sr fl or er lal MM copies copl of sali alff lists so for far an they isla teta laid tract by mthr nt have hr teta been 4 u or pos tail id this for ecy ina person ind by the th public f tally the of bubli c of ibis notice W or any 7 time sad aal before flaak and odor etsil ittoli of april Z iwa profett pro or of boosts falat the claim of f the state to my any ot or the ta is 0 or r on oa uie i ground chwi wor th iha fr sw rioUs will ba ived wad noted aota tr far to io ur 10 s zua a t wat a tp to r ift liia tu tk chwi ter pifie pi fid lie t eat eater rr ealr ei lr itic of the krier ei tu tk tracts and tato ta lufer lUf tr jhb lb baw abhi aft w aroxi fe owr ia to ate S OK Ri potatoes for sile sale by henry Z |