Show prest M K M K steele steela does not like the th idea of dead sheep and piles of sheep manure being close clone to the water of the upper eastford east fork when the people below are using the water to drink thenton then too ills stated by some one that maggots were found founie down stream one would hardly like that way of recel receiving fresh freih meat if he lived 6 beside stream tream fl aa there is plenty planty of f gam frame e in that vicinity and fresh freih meat is net n so scarce there hs it is in if dead hep or cows and sheep ofal houa lit ile beside the creeks here and if that water should be turned into the panguitch Pao gultch city estem arid and if maggots should got into the city wa water t er pipes and into tite the family JAMIly water why would snake make soup of them nod not ml mind nd asti it so much as fresh meat is scarce here Stil lit is hoped that tats will aill not happen here aad that the city it crater will always be 6 clear and aad pure and smell good and not taste is sheepy meet P prompt orant atad ka mettian cure care for broue colds na when an xou cold you want a remedy r that will not osay 1 lief flebut ut effect a p or apt and permanent cure a 0 aenied remedy that that contains nothing in injurious rious calim chamberlains cough ahm dy mW it lat acts on natures plan ref relieves reflexes the kilnes unas aids aida opens the re a and a restored roe ore the e system to a 0 ath condition ittoli thia his remedy has ha a gerld wide euse uce an and can always be depended 06 upon sold boldy by all dealers the mutual artial choir ei f panguitch will give A 4 grand frand ball with asplen did music and in thia the oper house hoit next friday evening may it is given for the object of buying books for the cho choir irto to increase it and usefulness the pric of tickets will be 60 50 penti with wit h a charge of 10 cents for all extra ladies 14 inte tp P there will be serena oss given on the streets 7 watch tor for that it will be beautiful the whole alf affair fair gives give promise of being lerant elegant lj rant dandy dand Sr on next saturday may 24 the men and boys of are requested to come coine to the tabernacle grounds and assist in the work of removing the present fence and clearing up and removing all rubbish if you cannot come for a whole day come for a part of the day win is in effect the notice bp heywood gave last sunday rheumatism quickly cured cand 44 my sisters att tera drs ausband hadl fiad an attack if ofru rheu M cism in his arm writes a will well known resident of newton ohio 1 I gave ahn a bottle of cf chamber laikit lain lint Linin blent fent which he applied to hla his arm and on cis the next morning the was gone for chronic muscular roua cular rheumatism you will wili find nothing batter thin than chamberlains Chamber laina liniment coldby All dealers cure for stomach disorders vat disorders of the e may be bd a vol voided ded by the use uie of Chamberl chamberlains ailis stomach slid arid lier tableta Ta bleta matly many very vary remarkable tures cure ava ave baert effected by these ta blots sold by all Daa laMs frank heyy harry J 44 from dixie dolph church and Sellow from clar cedar are honie home B boyn ra in inPan tuesday day NO lehto ath II to mr john C and wife y i |