Show some hew us stow muffins would bo be enma inmany cy ba breakfast tables it if this thin acal aci A ato prepared so eo a not elal enough to acir vi 0 oad and baan the them M ath K X 0 do baking powder tho aa batter may be t up the bema and it act in idt a cool COA it will ln in a partially tondi condition tion all ai blit aad d tho balsin raising will bo completed when amt ut in tho oven in ta tho la In orning no will mil bo be noticed dho night before imd and wip ilio mixed dimmed I 1 i I 1 ely bero buforo ro baang ills im adt bd however with any as of tr tica cj cd fashioned blueie lali ins the old way ari wag to bake bal dumns in a lot oven wt but alj tills maecs a thick hea heavy vy crust a SOW en te wych Is und aid hard to dig digest cst tho the proper wit d lical healthful afu wy a y ti td bako muffing dumns is io 0 att tho the oven at a low temperature judt oa as 69 fo bv balang ung cakes when the duffina ame up to tho tha toy top of the pan tho the heat belt should ao balaod and d they should be ba baled baited until uati a crisp crust cruet li formed mis bartut will bo thin nad 11 centers will bo toting liatis sau d 1 1 lut e f thoroughly baked Al alraya riya efa allt an flour wi llan io pot id lo 10 r rt IA aa tua timed no fotr tr r what adrid oi of pantry H d tabo enada 11 ll 3 will insure I 1 it ts a nan even I 1 y flot ia 11 lightened lighten alby ty having air iud il i either at bo aad d 1 muffins mik mihi vin maha ma ha thov ww and brown bette better r bub but wll t tu the purpose vey very v li A lo 10 u 11 i to be had acost excellent rp tv t V mi act bio cuita andlar midi hoi aika aw i 14 1 t trav 10 crest creaming ning together acci ier butter and honey alth t r comb bomb if lh fa uj to wi w vt aj j v j 0 oib aib w it is 6 simply r tw spraie i t 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 |