Show swam local news dr n R G clark goes haord in savor favor of the state road read me ke is i willing to put up ap his share if it a elleder el ledor this ail the jest beat businessmen men il through it meng ia a firest fi reat del deal ifor 11 in fira it Is neld to having a MILd in ithe towns through w the yond road runs malto mae na as much or more it than they thet iao abut k this utah matt abatte road is to ruff run from alie idaho vine to ali the tine line tast W 3 ion to it as 9 shown by a petition headed beaded by mr mir admas partridge mr matt matl elems end and oth athetis eTis the state will irta BIT and garfield county aaen to be spent right at home it hi 1 good thing bp heywood hay wood has given the order for lumber some time ago affo to use to build a new mew lence around the tabernacle tabernacles grounds rounds it will be an improvement tone ione to the whole looks fooks of the town to have a ineal meat fence aenes andio and to have theiR rounda da all cleaned up the influence of the improved candit conditions ions will bo be felt minavery in every hemi in it if air ia ika asdell that sit next saturday day th roea and boys of the word give thel their r time and efforts for the iho day or as much of the day as possible to asit mist in hi ram removing 0 the benco rence and clean ing things up tip lot let us sot aoi it but all ta take ke hold secretary bryan euld some come noble words ty tarda as s foh fot lowR own 4 there h eve li is no load 0 a d that will bie break lik a man down don od ad quickly andio andeo surely aurely a a load of r revenge the titan man who tries to get even with 0 othes has fayr boyr opportunities of f gratifying hl hatred bu he 1 aft k mil 01 the time carrodine cor rodine himself elf in these theae words the As secretary of state voiced the true son that was howa by akad nd lincoln V the ibe that hb hai t WA W A s 1 ti tv f pv ourN a atlon a ft great ehlt i ji x dacre wa iva a meeting of the of f the iki county telephone co bat int week tasir there 1 t i were chase carn john atton prini re ant J I 1 G pet lit diee vice president thoi sevy secre secretive P B benj uj caier i on B james B si odier walier Z t r 4 jf J vage PK mrs MM nors nora ireland directors r 0 4 r 9 the he comp campay say de efured a mpr yai ceist divi dividend dead the first ant ia ed d thi the company is 4 in good condition wil managed and aad of great creat ser cr VIA vile to the cam community munley 1 I poi FT th ftak mad ad nervous tired out weak nervous men and nd kwame would feel full of life ata od always lwis have it a food apIn tits if thy would do the sensible thing ferbas for ake electric Bit bittera teri nothing be bettor st for th liver or T ho as and may ay they owe ow thair hofto ax 1 ills abl wonderful ond erful h home fieda fie dr mm ro oi 0 of via V aal venter N xii Y sayo 1 q I asu retaa gle etrIc bitters RS as one act of the fifik ican lean never forget what it t haa I 1 coq dope for nae me gt get a bottle yourself fahd hase re e what a difference lt will make 16 ayour r health only bot and recommended Recommend od by all james steele kieel and k E R McI mcfiren given of bf the Coni commission mission co were in this city wednesday on the their irmay way to points point in washington Waa hington county in the interest of their firta firm ahey have contracted for come 2000 head of cattle from stock raisers inthe territory south of cedar city iron county the report published this thin week of bf the diate bank baik of garfield shows howa that institution to be in flourishing condition and one of the strongest in the difate of utah some of 64 town are re talking of ahe f ra of july celebration already eo th their ir papers state what is t to f same sa tn e as aa evera ever dra dy A E A son did mot nofa to alar valley the ike first fira of the t week as an espe expected eted they hd a lot vf ot work here i A I 1 mr mrs will avra s re furred to ite P Po poa P 0 aaa y her hui bus D adis enjoy ing bif hi his mission delights orthe mrss vie would lr 1114 IE co is j ju W |