Show BADLY BURNED ON LEG full fullor fuller or st ri hedwood adwood cal my two year old dau daughter gAtor tipped a basin of hot water on hor her leg between knoo knee itna analo sho was burned so bad badly in places as aa largo BB as a mans mails liand hand that tuo skin akin was wan loose tho the appearance of tho the log leg waa dark rod red I 1 applied apont jhb abe Cuti curn ont at once arnd put on rt a bandage ban dago I 1 removed tho the ban bandach dace twenty four hours later opened the water blisters applied more curcura ointment and bandaged band ngod again tho skin akin did not come aff and I 1 did this until sho nho was completely curad I 1 did not lot let her walk much 1 until it was waa heated healed sho she did noncom not complain after tho the first day and after tho the Cuti cura ointment was waa put on slept as usual the aro fifo gone cutt cura ointment entirely cured her signed mrs el 0 chapman mar 12 1912 Cuti cura soap boap and ointment sold cold throughout the world sample of each treo free with 32 p skin book address postcard post poet card Cud curcura cura dept it 14 boston ady adv |