Show keeper of secrets of kings lord knollys who to is retiring after having been private secretary to kins george and tho the late king edward has received many tempting offers to write his autobiography but needless to say has steadfastly resisted thero them all an enterprising publisher from the united states once ran him down during hla his vacation and placed a blank check before him inviting him to fill it in for any sum bum he be liked to name in return fors fora book of no fewer than words my terms would be five million dollars lord knollys remarked quietly the publisher gasped good gracious sir are you serious he asked quite lord knollys re rejoined and then with ono one of his merry twinkles of his eyes ho he said would it not be worth a good deal deaf more to you it if I 1 had bad to say frankly all I 1 know the publisher realized the force ol at the argument and was bound to admit that it would be a hopeless task to induce an indiscretion on the part of the veteran courtier |