Show 1 I did yu you come from missouri Mic Mis if you did we would like to show you that weare we are in ig a position to gt ft you itma the engene eagleb for any purpose pur puia pose pote on tha th farm ranch ot or home J Just U call an and see the ivre wehart have ona they are ro simple long difed mind and durable ind and any child or woman emin the sire aae of often ten years yeara can run them the orie om and three are imurtha 11 P hau hao bien been tested to run all day on one half rallon gallon of gaiolini ga ioline or coal oil jagt list think th ink of it doing your washing separating churning and a dozen other small jobs in one half a day for the cost coat of 10 cents and besides reading si a good book if you wish at sam samo same o time dont fall fail to call and see to if isyou you wint want an en gine cameron Ca norton Pant kutub 6 20 |