Show WATER REQUIRED FOB FOR SHEET animals animal with bountiful supply pr pro 0 duco duce more mutton than thosa thoa that are arc deprived of it expert experiments men to carried on with cattle showed that cattle given plenty of 0 water with their pasture contain contained i moro more moisture and loss dry mattell mattel than did the carcasses of cattle elvei pasture Iia sture but no additional mois moisture turo it is a generally accepted principle 01 ol feeding that it costs more and TOOM to produce moat as ail the moisture 0 00 do creases and tile tho dry matter increases increase a from this wo we are ablo able to deduce ahr fact that it costs less lees to grow ahk others that had plenty of water and so BO made watery carcasses than it did to grow tho the steers that thai bai kaaa no watell other than that in their foo food dand and re ia produced a dry carcass what Is true in ili the caso case of steers etoen wa would uld hold equally true in III the cas otlie cp sheep given plenty of wates wate w will III produce mutton more cheaply than will those choso deprived of it t mu ech expansion will bo be moro active in thi th one caso case than in tho the other and that thai la is another reason why mutton production would bo be cheaper there la is considerable write anter r in an ot of tho the pasture crops that sheep oat cat and they hoy got get still moro moisture from froin the dew that collects on the grass gras blades in early morning and late lata eve icing but from those two sources while it gets enough water to keep 11 alive a sheep still does doea not gel enough water to keep it in the vor verl best growing condition nor to keel kaei all its bodily processes process oa going on lo ilo tile the most moat effective manner possible there to la not an organ in the body bod that can unction function pro properly perl without water to aid t ti being ono one of thil th chief constituents of 0 blood water to la carried to every part of the system and not alone helps it in getting itil iti nourishment t but also in ridding it ol 01 its impurities it Is obvious that a large amount of water must be necessary to keep tho the sheep cheep doing well enough Is not gotten with the food oven even in summer cummer and this amount should bo be supplemented by bt au alf that the shoop sheep will drink whon when given constant access to it |