Show CULL OUT undesirable HENS alt all fowls that have passed their term of usefulness should bo be marketed at once it Is a always seasonable to cull out tho the undesirable birds from a flock says tho the poultry Jp journal all hens that have passed their term ot of usefulness should bo be marketed while cull ing should bo be continued throughout the entire year tho the mos roost berolo therole work khouy ho be i danon no tan th what mcall rc all yearnings yearlings year earrings lings in poultry are those which were hatched the year before the pullets pu lleta they are nearer two years old than one and make excellent freedora breeders bre edora eders after breeding pick out ot of this flock such as are cd nolden ed unprofitable what wha t we to call the tha two I 1 year olds aro are tho the ones that aro are going into their second molt very often some excellent layers ore are found among these and it pays to keep auch 4 but at that age afire the closer we cull mhd ahn better will bo be our profits this culli lug ing however can only be successful etu by close watching no matter how boil valuable a hen may be it if she proves to he be a feather puller or an egg eater she too should bo be sent with tho the lo 10 loi ot of culls to market markel |