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Show HUNDREDS HaVE BEEN , NAMED . i i i , Judge J. A. Howell, chairman of the Good Roads board of control, states that, there will be a larrce gathering gath-ering of good roads advocates at the convention of the Intermountaln Ootid Roads convention which will be held in Ogden September 2?.. 24 and 2U of the Four-Slate Fair week, lists oT delegates appointed by cities and towns throuchout the entire intermountaln inter-mountaln country coming to him 'dally 'dal-ly in such a way as to Indicate that the people nre thoroughly aroused as to the necessity of having representation. representa-tion. The chairman states that even th? little places, where they cannot furnish fur-nish a delegation to attend ;the convention, con-vention, answer ihe imitation ex-' tended to them to appoint some one to meet with the good roads people, maltlg excuses for their Inability to do so. some of the excuses being quite humorous. A letter from R. F. Willis Wil-lis of Stone House, Nevada, stales that the little town of Stone House "boast3 no ;nayor" and states further (hat "If we were to send boosters to the good roads convention we would depopulate the Ullage." Through the efforts of Harold J. Peery, the Ogden Tabernacle has been secured for the convention. It la thought that the building will be amply large for the accommodation of all the delegates. The National Irrigation Irri-gation Congress was held In the Tabernacle Tab-ernacle and It was at that congress that the initiative In many national Irrigation questions was taken. Great results have followed that prime movement. Aud so it is expected the initiative lu the Good Roads movement for the Intermountaln country will be taken at the Tabernacle Taber-nacle dining the coming convention. Aside from regular convention programs, pro-grams, excellent musical numbers will be rendered and It Is possible that an ode to tho good roads movement may be composed by Ogden talent and sung by the Ogden choir. This, nt least, is being suggested. The following additional delegates have been appointed to attend the convention of the Inter-Mountain Good Roads association at Ogden, September Sep-tember 23, 24. 20, 1910. ' Morgan Count v. Utah T. U. Butters, But-ters, G. Ij. Little, C. K. Condle. William Wil-liam Roblson, W. E. Criddle. Geo. K. Carter. Alphlnc, Utah Don C. Strong, Geo. E. Burgess. T. F. Carlisle. Benj. Full-:ner. Full-:ner. Snlina, Utah P. H. Madsen, P. C. Scorup, F M. Rasmussen, A. S. Crane. D. G. Burgess Oakley. Idaho Hon H. C. Halgbt. j state senator; J. B. Randall, S. P. Worthington, T. H. Clark. Manti Commercial Club. Manti, I Utah P. P. Dyreng, 10. i. Sorenson, Lewis Larson, L. R, Anderson. W. W. Brown. J Fillmore Commercial Club Fillmore, Fill-more, Utah X A. Anderson. Alonzo Huntsman. T. Clark Calllsler, M. Day, R W. King. Smithfield. Utah Wm. G. Griffith., lames Roskelley, Robert B. Tbornlcy, Krastus Hansen, Win. L. Winn. Fremont County. Colorado C. It. Mcl.ain. Cnnon City. Lyon Comity, Nevada Greeley French. Silver City. Appointed by Gov. Spi v to represent the State of Utah- I) E. Hurley. Salt Lake: Robert Skelton. Salt Lake; Geo. F. Price, Oakley; C. G. Adney, Corlnne. Wm. Archibald, Park City; . J. Stookey. Clover; X. I. Harris. Ogden' Jesse X. Smith, Lay ton: X. C Ponlson. Richfield; E. W. Dunn. Bri-haai Bri-haai City; James E. Jennlng. Sail Lake: C. K. Marks. D. R. Roberts. Logan, Lo-gan, John Dixon, Payson. D O. Ridu-out. Ridu-out. Draper; Roscoe E. Grovor. Xcphf? V. W. Stratford, Wilson; M M. Steele. Junction; James Claw son, Spring City. N t Wheeler County, Oregon A HeUns. Jr , George McKay, W. W. Stein er, R. R. Keys. J. 11. Kerr. Utah Society of Engineers--Mm. Ashton, Chief Encr. O S. L. R. R.; .1. H, Knowles. Chief Engineer S. P. L. A. S: S. L. RY.; Prof. R. R. Lyman. Chil Eugr., U. of U.. A. F. Parker, Civil Engr., Ogden; G F. McGonaglr. Cltv Engi., Salt I ake. Carbon County. UtahI M. Whit-more. Whit-more. J II. Pare, J. II. Sharp. John Staley. Thomas Bell. Idaho D. R. Morgan. Liberty; D. R. Hughes. Samaria. Dawson County, Montana W. 11 Rucker. L. Duwe, Henry Mullendore. II. J Haskell. R. v. Snvder. Pirkln County. Colorado Fred S. Cooper Mnnford W. Smith, Victor Lion t g. Harney County. Oregon -L. X. Stalled. Stal-led. Utah T. II. Men 111. Richmond. There is a total of over J"0 dele-(Suites, dele-(Suites, all told, named. |