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Show IN POLICE COURT W, II. McGuirc forfeited 7 bail by not ant-weilug to a charge oi bdt unlawfully drunk. McUulre w;xs ur-tested ur-tested Saturday. Charles J. Patagen, anuther man oi bibulous habile, let $.") :o Into the city treasury by not belay present when his name, was called by the pcllcc clerk. C. I. Nacoo, arrested for riding on tbe .sidewalk with a bicycle, forfeited forfeit-ed his bond of fr. because of his ab :eurc fron court. .lohn Hansel. charRed with distuib-ln distuib-ln the peace, was not arralRncd this morning as the olflctrs desire to te-enro te-enro lurlher Information against the man before bringing his cac into court, .lames Cook pleaded not guilty to the charge of cruelty to animals and his case was continued It Is charged charg-ed that Cook left a team standing on a s-treet for more than five hours without food or water. P. F, Ward told Uie court that he was not drunk when arrested near the . Union depot, and his case w as continued. Ward has the appcaranco of having been In a fight with aeveral men at one time. His left eye is badly swollen and discolored and there aro numerous other bruises bruises about his face. He claims that be was knocked down and robbed, rob-bed, but he was not permitted to tell his story. He will be given a chance to express himself when his case comes up for heurlnp. |