Show BOX PARTY. Mrs. Arthur Knhn and Mrs. .lame H. DeVine will entertain the sixteen ladies who assisted at thejr parly given at the Virginia at a box party at the Orpheum tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Luther have returned to ihclr home at Mt Pleasant after a week's visit in Ogden. Mrs. William Strong has returned to ber home in Provo after islUng friends In Ogden Mrs. K. O. Wattls has returned from an absence of about one ytar In California Cali-fornia and Oregon. Mrs. Frank Young and Mrs. Kd Staples will entertain Ihe ladles' auxiliary aux-iliary to the Engineers next Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. Young. James W. White ond Sally Hubbard are to chaperono a party of one hundred hun-dred Wlllard young people on a trip to Ogden cauyon on Wednesday. Miss Florence Moore has returned to her home In Provo after a six-weeks' six-weeks' vacation spent In Ogden. Salt Rake and Heber. |