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Show S i j Lmm i.j.,' ' .all ' , A GREAT MednaeSIoe Sale I One-Third Off on Every Article in My j I StoreOne Week Only-Sept. i j 12th to 18th R For one week I offer without reserve the -v ; choice of many elegant and elaborate fur Hi If Fl IT pieces shown in my store at exactly 1-3 off . . the regular selling prices. The stock con- nBpSINtl $ sisis of such furs as MINK, BLACK LYNX, Dpnt ; WHITE FOX, CHINCHILLA and ERMINE, ucHl- t : etc. -Should you not sec in stock the fur Talented and - piece you desire, we will be glad to mako it pracclrfur- ' up for you at 1-3 off the rcgular'price. riers. Ksti f; mates cheer- . full v furnish- : FUR RUGS AND ROBES We show a ed. No job i h large line of fine fur rugs and robes. They too small; nr. 1 .,,,. iU. . , . undertak I nc; i are all included in this sweeping reduction too great. sale. Your choice 1-3 off regular price. ' HAKMY ELEN9 MANUFACTURER OF FINE FURS f j 423 24th Street. Phone Bell 737-Y. OGDEN l ., - ...... 1 1,, ... , , ..r THEATKE BOTH PHONES. 323. Advanced Vaudeville. M. Myerfeld, Jr., Pres. Martin Beck, Gen. Mgr. FOR THIS WEEK "PRO F. APDALE'S ZOO CIRCUS." "CLIFFORD AND BURKE." Direct from the Berlin Wlntergarden. "THE FOUR CLIFTONS." "HARRY ATKINSONS "JOHNNY SMALL." "BARNES AND BARRON." Klnodrome. Orpheum Orchestra. NIGHT PRICES, 25c and 50c. MATINEES WED. AND SAT.. 10c, ' 15c and 25c. CRIPPLED SHOE SPECIALIST No matter what they look like, you will got thcra back new. In 15 minutes. OGDEN SHOE REPAIR FACTORY 333 24th Street. Why Not Get j Kid of Catarrh? I, Here are some symptoms of catarrh; ca-tarrh; If y0,, have any of them, gut J r,d them while there la yet time: I 18 your throat raw? Do you sueezo often? j J your breath foul? I Are yojr eyes watery? ( Ii you Uke cold easily? . la your nose stopped up? lo you have to spit often? I Do crusti form In your nose? Are you losing your 3juse of fmell? Do you blow our noso a great , deal? Does your mouth taste bad ruoru- ; IngB? lo you have to clear vour thront on rising or have a discharge from J the nose? Does mucus Jrop in back of Uio throat? Have you riujrins doIh. in the . oari? HYOMF.I (pronounre It Hlgh-o-me) s ! guaranteed to cure, catarrh, cough colds, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and croup, or nuaney back. Just , breathe It In. Complete outfit in-j in-j ludlng hard rubber tnhaler Ji 00 BADCON'S PHARMACY and dm?-i dm?-i Klsti rerrwhro sell IIYOMEI if j j Ton already own an Inhaler, you can J . t"T an extra lotUo of HYOMKI for nly 50 cnU. Uemcaibcr that I . j MISS B. HELEN NELSON, . Swedish Soprano. Teacher of sintrinpr, nvnilahle for socinl f unci ions am church sirtfrincr. Studio, '2'it( "Washington "Wash-ington Ave. ' Tv'l P.ell 181; lnd. 3f. Residence, 10.V, 2lth St. Tel. 1H2-Y.' |