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Show "ftOOD ROADS' 'AND ROUGH ' -10ABS:': J ' . 1 . i :;' : , The people of Hunlsviljo had pre-vlously pre-vlously petitioned tie comm I. -s loners to make needed rtepalrs on a road loading southward from IJuntsvllle to the Morgan county line, and the commissioners com-missioners today decided that they, accompanied by Road Commissioner Chllds. will Inspect the road some diy d.irin the present week. Af'er tlie lnfpection trip the. commissioners will be prepared to answer the pi.-ti tlon. Sheriff Wilson was requested to withdraw the' name of Deputy Sheriff A. H. C'.arner of lluntsle from the payroll, it belner thoucht by the commissioner com-missioner that Mr. earner's services are no longer required. Ihtrlng the campaign, against lloken Olsen. the Htintsvllle saloonlst. It was considered consider-ed necessary ti have a deputy sheriff at Hunts Me. It appears that Hoken Is more docile now and the deputy is no longer needed. Road Commissioner Chllds was in- sriictcii to proceed to roll the boulevard boule-vard In Oden ennyon and plaee it In good condition for the pood mads convention con-vention demonstration oq Monday, September 24. He also Is directed to rKi? attention to the repnlrinc of the county road In the North Oxden district dis-trict This action Is t;iken In accordance with urgent requests from the automo-bllisU automo-bllisU of the good roads movement, they contending, at their meeting Frl dnv night that while the roads were In fairly good condition, thoy were hardly hard-ly fit over which to haul the delegates to the good roads convention. Some of the ontoists stated that they would not care to venture over the canyon road with their machines with the road In Its present condition and others said the North Ogden road la altogether "too Jolty" for men who are advocates of real good roads. The commissioners, by unanimous action, eliminated from the tax rolls the assessments on the Catholic church, the Episcopal and Lutherinn and the Sixth Ward meeting house. It was stated that these assessments had been overlooked by the county board of equalization. |