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Show rW1 --- -'- v' 1 1 ' Hi v. t'A'V ift C v '- - . . ft4 f.fW j 1 Afer i,- fT ,11 Send Your Young Tolls to School Will Dressed, will go more willingly and study their lessons Letter. isnt dressing well a pait of the ir education iifi We have bought our stock of clejtl.es for little clothes. Our store Knowing hejw the) romp out their &!0. at a low prof.t for a good business reason. Children become We wish for them to get into the habit of grown folks. coming to our store while they are young. E hile this week we are especially looking after those in school. We are not overlooking others. Our fall stock of everything to wear is full and new. s We sell esery thing for d Iren childrens store of this city. j J Summit Furniture & Mercantile Company. ' COUNTY DIRECTORY. Hill of Sale in book form for Surgeon Commissioners George Smith, Henry sale at this oflice. 25 for 25 cents. Hales and J. O. Pack. Clerk J. M. Hixson. You Cant He A Good Summit Recorder J, E. Carruth. farmer Without The Times. Assessor Geo. 'W. Young. Treasurer Frank Iingree. Physicians and Surgeons W'e print church notices free. Send Attorney Peter Clark. them in. Sheriff John Coffey. Special work done on Eye, Ear, K. Kliernl. II. Surveyor Time- - - the county paper The Nose aud Throat. Road Commissioner J, T. Lambert. $1.(50 a year in advancer- - ehth-- 6 Only Sopt. Schools O. W. Wtlkins. No. 7696. must huve the patronage of the Jf pot f of the eonditigi the p ople among w bom he lives. If he E aiik National First line support it stands to Publish. every Friday. must make a poorer at Coalville, in t lie Ktsi cof Utah, he r aiton that at the close, of busi Sept. M. J. PETERSON. Editor paper, anil in doing this t wry man 1, 1110. Hint Manager. in the townandMiiroundiiig country Hi. SI 11 RC'KSC 1 A lias to hear a portion of t lie loss. Loans and Discounts Hell phone, No. 20. liox (149,768.11 (. For this reason, if fur nootlur, the (v ii drafts secured and . '2.070.29 . , . cured !. s nuo in w - I inn . .ft. Ponds to secure cifTerms of Subscription in ad, alter) loan w ho ti P to hin t li 25.000.00 uppoiinl! dilation .4o p,tp r should hue Three Months etc. 48,992.61 securities, Ponds, rea whom of n . . . .75 tits low pefde, all Six Months . Due fintn National Banks $1.50 f ti 6J42.30 One Year , (not. leserve agents) as inucli hi n til iroin list lloi is from approved rs Du as lie d es liiniself. . . ,j 13,793.77 served agents Cheek amt ot r cash it 77.36 Ittrslness communications should currenevj The Coalville be addressed to An F.ditors I.ove Leit.- r- Dear Fractional I11(.k( u al'1(l 17.30 .j Times, Coalville, Utah. 11,590.00 darling delinquent! Our precious Specif mu Fund ith Remittances should ho male pay- subscriber in arrears! You Hre M) S. ' reasurer (5 per cell able toThxrUoalville Times. L25fMO of circulation siiv ? m you tliinl. w lOiuv e sedd out Total . . (268,302.44 and gone? No, little sugar plum, we Yea, its the little things that hurt. could not LISBrMTtRS. gtt away if we wanted to. A common every-dameasly little We are still at the same old stand Capital Kto k mid in . . ,k 2',OHO.Ui 5,000.00 Surplus fund flv will mnke an orthodox Christian dialling out the advertisers on sweet Undivided profits, less ex 2,328.94 wear forty strokes to the minute,: penscs and taxes laid.. 7rouiiss and bright expectations. National Dank notes outwhile If the same man had his head 25,000.00 standing They make an excellent diet, darlIndividual deposits sub taksn off by a July tornado be flavored little a with pudding ing, jeet to check J 195.392.99 wouldnt say a word about It. with a word of encouragement to Time certlflcatesofdeposf 4,893.31 Cashlerschecksoutstand serve as a dessert. We are waiting 689 20 ing Tliers Is mors Joy In a prlntingof-fle- e and watching for thee, our turtle Total 258,802 44 over one sinner that pays in ad- dove. We I long to hear thy gentle State of Utah, of Summit County vance and abuses the editor on every footstep on the stairway below and I, Frank Iingree, Cashier of the Hissible occasion than there is over to hear the hank, do solemnly ring of the appy dollars swear d that the above ststement is ninety and nine who borrow the pa- within our office. Dear one, we f. el tn, ,)(, j,st ()f nivPinokki knowledge per? and sing its praises, without unusually sad and lontH without and belief. Fkwk Cashier. contributing a ccjit to keep it out of you, dear. Now little pie crust, will Corrt ct Attest ; (he poorhouse. AI.FRKD BlfONQl'IST you Come? Do we hear you answei Jawis Pixgree. sweet and beguiling. H. (J. Blackman. is ap- - in a voice so season whitewash The n T -(M rectors da- - it I or ranting. to make I reaching and a Jecetpt Subscribed iimT sworn to before whitewash that will not crumble off winds that around our office roar? me tins 7th lny f fttpt. ljltk we pause for further development J. M, Hixson, be of use to someone who reads Physician and In The Coalville Times half-wa- y Drs. French & Crisp 1 . ! - i . Glasses Fitted scribe today. . Office in v NOTICE TO WATER USERS . . atnte Knirlmr oUU, rttth. Amrust 15. l'lio . Lund-lierfc- Hlon I RKtwof f4t let Coil! t tl better roaiU, but If you think Hi re1 There oHihition, atart a road earn-- j ottiing that calls on and draws people to a town jaij?n in jour locality and find out. oes j I. - Recorder-TrcBMi-ei- - N. I ICAjit M ( i t it ' ii fr p nt i t I , Hv- - tiijj - f$B I i i 11 ii ti I j ( f dit of ompb t Ion of IpubMatioii, r 1. i u. f .... iriiM i It) U - f i , A . I g. by-Jo- . r1- tr- -f I , Mt"- Physician and Surgeon P. H. NEELEY ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Office Summit Block. W Residence, Telephone, Office, Coalville, Utah 56 22 blk. COALVILLE, UTAH. Phone 41 illlm irororF; . I For the man Meets every Wednesday Evening in Jones Hall. Visiting Brothers Cordially Invited. X J.PKTERKOX,V.G JOUS GCNN.N 1 J H (oriH, Secy. Abstracter. .totarjr Public. summit I'ountj, Vtah In f pi Notary Public sjtn u( at a point which soiiih .a Fii't h.n ff$t distant from Hie ioi h tmi pf of htutlouS, Salt Ink roMtibhlp lut uli. Ilt vi Hr will in f iiihl id ritifin utnsnid Ud t m p'a w k iv I - ' i tl ( ' I oh i i . t i t i i ti ' il j e I. s t p it a vr i mi ( - b - Hf i uii t ilin' bib v No s J pm u i m vi i fn h mi U t t t. m Mm pM Fund mans f ' Office at Residence, roahille, Utah. Phone No. .2 It r u- - Mary Ann B Clark lit 1 ait- - h iikiii- - , j ihi t IiL. jnatiklutf ul appHtii loo ftt lii tlu mwiiii thrfor imivl 1m uituK ) aUidHNlt In duplicate and Ubni In thl- - otlitf within thirty i )u da; after tin completion of the publication of M4 - ! ' (at the Shoemaker's. for Summit for County is the Agent - -- Off NO Ptft. prompt v obtAiimt in All Muatn AlMt TK AOK-ANK, t COpJtlf hU RIA- of klioiA, for PlttK IttPOftT on imtentAhility PutrotunMl ic exclusively. SANK RKPINCNCKS. Acrid f cents in Mampa for invAltiAhic NvA m( -- tbit notbe Abstracter of Titles fc S ii n r County. Under $10,001.1,0 limid Real Elstate, Insurance, Farm Loans iiw. tn I ill s Agent-Fire- Insurance Companv of San Francisco tis-mw- f t Resident ) ( Edward H. Rhead C. R. JONES, f j tinnaniiMl East Side Main St., Coalville. - I ti who cares H M. WKIsSHsTrejuiirer I tUt). IK f( Barber Shop. Coalville Lodge No. 28, j "h W 1 U. S. BEDELL Secret Society. Septein-1- h i RecLT I , t Law. Auorneys-a- t muoulaiue with f tl n tjnimin ft ('nlderw.wd. (ompiltit law of dint ml i! by Uu vloil I saw !,u.k U, mb J, W. Cald I lull, t n Rail. J. Ii $ iide and J o'l ( i upi Inti to-- t nibs s p r h'oiiiI of wa er fiom an of a uubU s ! - of flrM H'iv M i 1st nl't Jkvljfjs tm- - maili npiiiitu ion in , - lnt NOTICE TO WATER.USERS f J. Ietersot. All who can should observe these hours as near as possible. Dr. W. R. Emmett, st State Kmrineer titftist 1. Hm, ptildlcntlon ad- - . LfWIS .1 , -- north-ea- Tinnkr, - ual to a good newspaper In order As a limiter of fact, thft rmul pr..- tH,c Jmen a man to make a good newspaper blem is of fay mors importance toier"o"l, I. b C. Clark. , the farmer than eitln r the tariff or 5100 Reward, $1 00. silver questions. A good road eots TV reft h rs of th pim r mil hi to ironi At nr urea tl then that money. It is a business Investment Uut ha abir to curr m ad it suttH ud fluil Him Utrrh urt tfc only poiH requiring n large outlay of cash at tAtarrti run now k .0 t ti tatarrb & rtfcy brl t tm MiitHi ai dwr r oat a first, and the interostm this inv i iL tiojuil taiwo jsirm ' t ta 4 and eomes hack not only dinctly r irlt " thf ill tll form nf IMMI. but libhrectlv, n 5 iSn and in mtt tr UT lit u h as the fat tm r along the road is aide w f8t tluv cfli'f ' M tt fttlks W ,jt r n I have been troubled with to save horse power ill hauling his j lil HfcjaO. io, 1 ii 1 ipation. for several years, crops to inarket. 1 he chief quest ion , . d bate tried a great many is how is the money to Pc raised? nls pf pills, as w ell as medicine Who is to handle and pay it out? It GAMBLING .1 the doctor. Nothing is a tlnaneial matter lather than a your life ,m tuisi ,.,its is just ined to help me until I be-- :i question of engineering skill. It exactly w hat you are ikpjjg if you neglect a cough ap add ou the taking Dr. Miles Nerve and ought to be debated and instead t freatfog it with dost er Fills. I found the little Mi every sClioolhouse tn the land. Hallard s llorihonul Syrup. A 25 h very effective, and I am cent bottle of tins splendid remedy -Fishy" But Good mkful that at last I have a will curt an ordinary a ugh, heal the lunys and act as a tonic for your . lable remedy." Talk about (lie belief, ts ot adver-tbm- entire system. sIU - MRS. F. M. HoyDUNKIN, Down in Florida not long den A Son. " Ills. LeRoy, -' ago a family lost a child which they Dr. Miles supposed had strayed away from In the IKlrict t mi in ftf Summit home and got lost. After searching tVntrs r TLerve and liver Pills1 Iblu ibiri ii Farun, I limply cause the bowels to move in vain for three days tie frantic dtfciuiuif Ct' 1 a iiormal me h manner, and wyth-nh- e parents plain d an advertisement in w It 4 to smn Itbm a.,.. 4a m u T i ID griping c fleets of cathar- - The n arcs! nw"tpaper. lihagine the sult,,v , t w lllitu tb v i and purgatives. Thats why sttrrise f tk parents' upon going imi ty i i o b rw J i.y are so universally used by- - to Uj ilHr thMuxt morning lu nrlion, H ' nen and children. The a monster alligator upon the door 4i tliinl w Ui lu er they are taken the less step, where he had disgorged the - needed. Natural conditions child alive and then die1 himself. Thteerttm is br,HiKt,t fr uie purpas. f dlssolvlns the heiul, ot mat rhnony xlstln The ad" cost thfem but 25 cnts. betuoen plalnilff lually being restored. nd dofous.t end thnt and it gave them backT their' child; the plalntllT hae the st by druggists tvsrywhsra. If first of the Minor child the Issue of uud man li.--. . doss not bsnsflt, your druggist sold the hide for tj $5, they alligator v - return Fkshsh'ki EedCHttiH. your monsy. and the parents are showing the Atton.e, fori),. Plaintiff. E MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, Ind. P. O. Addrei, K7 AX) Judg, Uuildius, Balt child in all the dime museums of Lak, City, I'Uh. est-ine- tust of the -- CITY DIKECT01Y. t . Regulate f he Bowels Hprtnir lies l,sJ7 ft i t Maor Office Hours, fiom 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. 1 t atten-- t is no fet Eumrnit Block, Coalville of Hater from m com! i s. $2.00. 1000 1 5 w Is l For rt, Township J south fi'i, salt Uikc lase and meridian Spring l" situated at a point w hich lies 1 820 feet south mid 429 feet east of the corner aboe dcKoilied It Is the intention of the apptl cant to const uu t a number of dams !n the natural channel of the st ream, where the water Hill he ufted during the period from January to lHkcember8l inclusive, of each er. for fish culture put poses After hatlutf I teen so dl cried and used, the water will Is efittmdto the natural channel of thestnHm.nl a point which lies S.titu feet west and t H7u f smith of the north-eas- t count f sictioni Township Jsouth, Kanite fttast Suit I aUe base and meiidian Tills aoplica Ion b dtlHt at d in tin sta-totYU as No. JhO ll piotests nuainst the prantimr of said application, tnthiK the renons therefor must Is made b atiidnWt in duplicate and Ctm das tiled In thW oMU within t lit r afhrtln oomph lion of tin publh atlon of 4- t let k id f, toHpp?oprlatetne MHith and ..jo corn r of St ct inn Kauffe j It is the formula used by Uncle this yiar t varlousjvernipent, works. The big public question, IMU nT. lUseelnsdb will be road Improveun reVr parts fresh slacked lime ami ne be any would there mrane that Mix well cement. pert hydraulic lartj,,!MothoMe w lio ant "with sail water and apply thin. Un fct far cubic aliove-n.une- it. is. rtnh, spring In summit ('ounty, Ttah. a' Is sltuai d at a poltit which y Dl-- lake Viyt Salt Notice In Ik rly gt en that Jacob m lioe pHt office undress U Mnilon, Vtub. has mane ap)iU atiou In accordance the re(iiln uu 11U of th Compiled I 7 (Mimiiiitil by th isitwiinf Ns t vv 1 Butter wrappers (printed,) wil' be charged for at this office at the following rate: For 500 $025. M (uihTanmk, ..ui.iLI!.. rvtftfo Kmflr.eer of flrftf publication mnjftt ID, IHHt, date of compU tlon rf ptd!lcatlon s ptun-Ite- r Iat Sendm t orders them for you. ll. hl oamlle, Livestock Directory. - Cards umh r tills heading at rea sonable rates year. A card is mtereresm and protect mil to your the i. c very f dir critter wul t u. r aiiniii.si.J l) reey eui s t.r t Everv rancher and ca tleman m Miroinit nn niy sluiuid l r irest m- , ,1 ..it t is el adv t rtis'i jr . OR MOW TO OOTAIN Amt MIA NATKMTO, Whl h o will av, Row to $cct a partner, patent law And other nlotble ioloruistusb j. - k,i ix rjuziiat I can dll - Utah Bax, t. D. SWIFT & CO. i303 S PATENT LAWYERS, Washington, D.C. abeja CURES CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cuts, Sores, Wounds. Bruises, Eum3, Stiff Joints, Lame Back, Sprains, Etc., on HpplikHUon t t WA J " co-te- -- -- LDHOLM & AKIN ;. : 111'. II I I l.,V C VI 1 1, VJl Cattle brindd left side on lM-t- INI) I Plt h Try it y Get the To-da- I K 3HTS 011 VT KM K. vvi'h eMti r or 1 hiTVi.n ' Genuine. on right PS1 " s to Refuse sdl imitations. ! shouti-s-uJJ sides, Suitable rewardTrftllrg'ty rrmr-ery of estrays. Ad.lres FIiuiolm, Akin, Evanston, Wyoming. K L BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Raoommendad by t,'-"M" Sold by John Boyflon t Son. |