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Show SQUADRON MAKES A HIT. German Correspondent Praises Man of I Asiatic Squadron. Ilerlin The l.ukal An., iK.-r prlnla a I, nut letter from Ha turn spnnd, nt nt TsIiir Tao In the (leruinn territory if Klu, i Chan. China, dealliiK with tha recent vl.lt ih, to of the Culled Hlatea Asiatic fipiiulriui und the udmlruhlo Inipte.slon iniide hy 11. ar Admiral lliibhurd. the cimiiiiilul. r-ln ehluf, his mil, -era and the men and ship". Although r,uil Ainerlcnn seamen wore, nslmre at a time, the currespondent auya there waa not n allude Inatunca ol dlaorderly behnvlor. The men nut in .plcndlilly with the (leruinn aallnra, i which vas due partly lo tha fnct that many of tho Americans apoke (lor man -k |