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Show HFSULT OF IDAHO PRIMARY. Govarnor Brarly Ptnominited by Re ouhiitjn. and Hawley Choien by Oamocrata Ibil.e Ida - lletiiina from d..lm' firimnry ebrtion ahnw ih.ii lint.inor Hradv llepuhliriui. I, r.'iiomln He, bv a hand-. ,tn,. malmlty over nil. es llin.ii. il ni j nun - ni, u lame. , nn ll,lerin the IlKht v and Hie Hum her "f eandldntea Cnnar. ssiiiau la mer. Bllln.lpulter. aa d. f. al. , deel. Ively by former CniiKreaaman rrein h Insurgent Kreneh s mal.irlty may reaeh r..nnfl .lame. II Hnwlev. j anil .tale vide pmhlhlllniil.t, was nniiilniited for Kovuinur on Hie lirm nrniilp tleket. and A M Down fr roncreaa. The nlher candidate, known lu have been n.milnaied are; llepuhllran: Hiiprenm eonrt jua Men. I N Hulllvan. renonilnale.l, lleutennnl novernnr, U II Hweetaer; truaauror. O. V. Allan, dufaallnx tha Inrumhent, llnallniia; mine lnaieelor. II N. Hell; auditor. 8 I) Taylor, ra-noinlnated; ra-noinlnated; allorney Kenernl. In diuiht between Mnrrliun and M -l NiiikhI. In-piiinh.-nl. aeerctary of alale, between II K. Ilyntl and K. U Whitney mid arhiail aunerlniehdenl. between Chiini I berlaln, Inriimheul, and (irnee Hhep peril lieniiiermle: Riiprenm eonrt J I, M.Cbnr. lieutenant governor R . llunier; ainlllor. K W. Joiiea, ilea, urer. Jnseph T ( airulli, aeerelary of lll'e. I) V llj.llev; attorney (i.liernl, r'laiik I,. Moure, .ehnul miperlniend rill, IJeilru.le Nublo, mine liisp.'.lnr J A Cil. k Il la r.'is'ti.'d lhat not over Pi x r eelil of the total vote vent to Hie s.ll On a.eouul of Iho supreme riuirt havlnu held thai Hie s.r.uiil I I'hnlee vole was I'oiliplll.nrv and un lea Inilleiile.l. Hie Ills I ehnbe Mould mil be riMinled llinil-unds of Miler. wmle In ii. line. tiidlm'Mmliiiiiely for j li'.'.Uld clluli e In order lo pioleet Ihelr Iflrai ehnlee Thla nieiilly delayed mid I terribly ronipMi iited l he i- il j |