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Show THEeOAEW TH. rcci AE VO A. XYi RTl E DEVOTED TO THE INTEfp 7 c. COAhVlIJi:. I 1 o, 1F i iCntioned Merely f n.i, t- . I t . ! . ( n V EYEETDOLME r n.il. Miii.iay lit YblS PUT IM THE BAN EL IS ANOJHJCR LINK-I; v ork ,ri Sete I m a si, ,1 tan I'r a Ki, m .i over- - from Hi'tk Wri t h -s i c- t ; M witl 0- y. da osI- -i P'.i M i with ,il mu l.ti IV tn ln, i:n.'y a at incident ly t.iiLin, 4 4. and as .'i c. e to !mUc lull ' ti 'i a. no- ol ot r litgaiii ,i e: n I In t fore parr V ih t'l- on : feents. N ,1 ul i s, c you M ! i il . v.i-itm-g - ! I i I Little Tilings 1 karJ lere and I here About 1 oa r i - - , i l k 11. t tin. Nay, nay ijnes. u ho wa k ' if. do not i as It i: n to the w ife dull); there. ilh.tin- - at P ho mi's. m s a and P.ll le ( ilover, of n, le w area utile jAlig. Ls. Tin ,.ki accompanied the remains JftJl chlOlHcllng t'leeVellt, we me of im it neici . Male tta (ilover Rose, 1 Sed to let our readers know ow to this city ednesday fc tieorge is. V. spi nc. . of Catey , Ida. MiA. J. Cl.rid.ill, of 1. m. who j. rel oi lied to hei Itoine '1 lit sda.V, llftei asperated oil at the Fi pitch 1ms. visit uf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. pi(4last'6atnrJay, for tumor, died James Cherry, for some time :i. her under min1' the epm-C. K. Jones obactutiou not hfiugstronr motlgh NVat ami onrton Joseph the stmek. went to Past Mill Creek last Mon- withstand ! ' 4 some with day for fruit. rt turning kletiLMosis NT. Taylor of the finest peaches ever seen new Conh ill thrasher on i.) w heat the first ot the farm bHiry to came A sweet baby girl gladden vA. IF 200 YEARS AGO o:.;- cl. your forefathers had banked oak' . ijTl.e yield is nut extra heavy If. tlie home of Mr. and Mr. till reports you will have one dollar a 5'jxr rent compound interest and tOiLy you had that $SL. Manning last Monday, and NV. II., Bnpolu t t a long wav to heat i! in quality. and the compound interest on it, you would have Seventeen ThousadL-Tw- o is the happiest man in the county. Hundred and Ninety 1 hree cfnllars-l- M 7,293, If each one of liras-dolla- rs 4utmber of near relatives gave Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jensen were were a link i.i a h, in and each link the length of a dollar bill, tluC. halt Lake visitors the forepart of J4h Barbt r a genuine surpilse the Ids chain would at beovcramilear.d a half long. Make your deposit NOWL home, the week. Mr. Jensen was called letiasday night, the illness being orfcipu of his will of the We on account there pay nou 4 irrrent interest and compound the interest Ida buth. (1. tines were father. three months. plVd and liglit refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Chambers and ead, and all present liad a good two children, of Johnny, Nev., are guests at the home of their grandCOALVILLE, UTAH. t a bargain. My parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. ERSALF, Williams. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00 Biiantlle business, stre and goods Al three head of horses, one young JAMES PING FLP PrcyiJf-.tALFRED CLONQUIST, to A sweet little girl came gladden !i cow, 2d head pule hrc.l luii-- o B. G. BLACKMAN, FRANK PiNGREE, Caikiar. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hix12 head of pure blood and ewes, son, of Wan'shlp, on "Tuesday. Dr. Lincoln ltain lambs. Phone French teportsall concerned doing Jer uAry 11 and see for yourself. Chas. l v vi Vt t ' i very;iiicely. IIAyjsT Hoytsviile, Ciah. i Mrs nn . II. Branch, daughter and Mrs. W. NV. I lntf were of May and son Carl, left for Lehi on rom Salt Lake the latter part J -; Monday. Miss Ruby accompanied Sf st week. Mr. Clufif was feeling $ from in jthem as far as Sait Lake where she Id except the after effects of an will visit. mobile ride to Iesapa, Tooele l TA 'Tnarrlage "llcptis"wa9 Issued ityt'Tb NTeS VY eV UWMSMUVM MM 4 J) 9, with several others, attended gi Wednesday from the county clerks Pioneer day." office in Ogaen to Ralph Carr1 Wright of this city and Ruth Gunn) The Kamas Courant No. 1, Voi. 1, of Hoytsviile. PHONE 41 BLACK. reached our desk lkst Saturday. The Miss Greta Crittenden entertaiiud paper is4he same size as The 'limes, a few little friends at a birth.V two of Pg pages contains home news HI party last Monday, celebrating the and the remainder is made up of sixth anniversary. Liglit refvsh-men- NVestern Newspaper service. We extend a welcome hand and wish were served. the editor well. The more printers I)r. French reports ,jthe artival of ink, the better the, co u uty w ill J a re. a baby'gifl at'T!ielioine'6r''Frank larffarct-Jahnstflotie of 'dndd-arN- V ea new ii, a mthi p, (or--.anytKi Moflier and babe doing nL'ely and Coalvilles early settlers, died at the home of her son, James Johnston, Francis onthe improve. sal led meat- - -- beef, the line f f resh Wednesday 'iiiorHTng tin o'clock, of Mr. and Mrs. George Cuff return- general debility, after a liugenug ed Monday from an .extended, visit illness.of about eight month. F mi.ham. or. bacon, with relatives in Wallsburg. George tral services will be iield at the s now able to resume his duties at Stake house this (Friday) afternoon We know whai we are bitting; 'hr reform hiw v'b the depot and is now on the job. at 2 oclock.- vve knovv !iow to c Ait u),tou,-mtNotices are out announcing a vi oull fx rit nt of vour traie. by it, as Democratic primary tc he held at 'the Counly Court house, Saturday evening. Sept. 1(J. for the election ol three delegates to attend the Slate Bagneli & Ball, Pro; . Democratic Convention to berekl at Provo, Sept. 15 It ; and to trim-a- ct w iv ,hb such other busintss as may properly come before aaid meeting. oft Visits and Our Visitor. -- ( 1 W l 55'5ui I -- i .NV, 11 N fa, P-- ctnr J. Sta'f Mim i left lor salt Lake Tncs l.i F. n-- p, A p.u ("i i t of li ; In .! v ') f - K i i "'Mrs Mary l'h Lake the forepart Mi" f in from an aitaek ot I i I , i ' No Typewriter, Good at Tulles office. Fi i t A I.I of ,i ao i ' ' - i t pho I i ( in t 1 "mpi i tin i eariti no . Count, P W. IP x:i i ii r M.e to suit all e t t . ekTli m lif iw ay mi i h. I ti 1 It ('. t ol 1 si v il : il. .. v. . Mill s Slnttel hit 't h Pea Hrmli.iin to at in.' Tie is ep( eti il hack to da i 111 Tudor left V. ,, lif -- t 'I i.at on (iiisiiii . i to . ' - s's I is v 1 Mont- hr mother - si inelchalit county Wednesday. list ling is hi ' i Mac Wnrbtiitnn returned wd a. 'dnsda, where she Miss Miss (.lies, ot i!osi..n, 01 -. w t lie teacher at the i scin School stilted ve t mliei f.tti. Ii oi h is li i, f rnn J Don re up fr mi veyor, M' rg ot enj o m c t he hospitality of t ha t w d in.' "Homo coining." i- dh-cl- o I eiioo F'l'i v n lor line weeks. v I and family are in J. IP TihViir' S'lt ' j. i i j WHEN STS !N THE BANKYOlF KNOW ITS SAFE initi-ddb- lt f1 l,C t tin mas spout wees the oi oi M -, .1 i i Minin oli! hi W i i . ' I)(lll't loi e Joseph Allen and children Mr-.- . of .i Pel t t -- i THE CHAIN OF FORTUNE. TTIE STRONGEST CHAIN OF A.LL. I AN - i i nil i N II - NV sis fifty-eigh- - !! eTrr th The Fa st National Bank -- , . is I?,. .1 Kitanrffiszggszaj i J.it.Vr . u' irtvms . o: S Milliner R. SALMON. M. r r st ' Most line up-to-da- te u of msni lo see the new Iiiiir ,iru, i, Hals, Ranging mi igJkifLG ve MRS. M. E. RHOADES, Miliner, n- r. you when you need Rcady last-W- N, bii or J MILLINER. price School 3; 50 cents Good Service ts .fiiS. R: SAL '.57? u u u n u dormitory, be sure and see my complete line of school supplies, books, etc. HID TI fartttaaaonscct ll JUST IN A New Assortment r eiKMr-I?ctSrScftif6,-5wet -S- ers, etc., etc. Cn your way te VTce-Pre.ide- i rridiiiTxdankii;ad:Jir1a mutton, .pork, Ti" SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SUMMIT MEAT' I 0., m m v! Mr. J. P. Neeley and son Jim re- turned Saturday from an extended tr fpTlTrotrgb t he- -t country Jackson .Hole, Nellow stone I'aik. sud part ot Montiinj and IJ.ilii). The Messis Neelvj npoil laving a splendid time, traveling with their moving pictuie show and exhibiting at all the larger towns going and Co a. M tweP-ioi- kt: THE HEAD OF THE PUBLIC The School of rts and sciences, the State Normal School, or the School of Education, the ,tate Stliool of mines, and a School of Medicine are embraced by the I hier-sit- y of Utah. 4 Schools SCHOOL $ SYSTEM 5 0,0 0 0 1 Equipment new OF UTAH Laboratory Most of the apparatus, ma-tolo- s, eterare nnery, and and of the veiv best. i Incliidm g 33 Departments part of the School of of Law whiolt Ui.i-T- i- - nt Ar's und i s of t he InclM'mg tile S a. t 'e Training dU-mV- School, m- -t rtict ioi yotillg o ople receisity ntukiit gs in t y ear. $860,000 Eq n U ill I), e r of Hit 'l.e me t' n 2 joo the l'i hit- i Women are C admitted to a e Dian of Women looks after the jo.ung women students. 1 1 men s. f ire o' f m. tins court ry and Furope. iJ.SZS-Studsnt- children of De part me M a ny o them grid-- 125 Instructors - grtatesr e 1 That Sttrange, is it Not? mius school when sftdot.ta come from th e o I II the North and the couth, and c nnries of ihe,earth to attend the ' ' ry oTTraTE I i r the NNe-- t. 7 I Embraces lu brick and sttme builiings, W of grounds, and other University property. - r.egfstintion of students September 15, h, 16th and 7th. Registration fee f TO ; , t(i ti, ID!), tliuo. Regular work begin tl 'epo ,i ie r If h. Inquire of local agents for t ata'iyUlicture Bulletin, and complete information sent free upon request. t i rail-rip- r'ts Addres;s Universily of Utah, Salt Lake City. Utah coming. Maretta Glover Rose, the and twelve days old daughter of Harry Rose, of Grass Creek, died in Salt Lake last Friday, of chronic dyspepkia, and was brought here for iuterement Wednesday, bhort funeral services were held al the cemetery, at a inch Bishop J. D Pendleton and John stoiies were Hi speasers. The sy mpathy of the entire community goes out to the breaved father and relatives. five-mout- hs While m Ogden the forepart of the week, President NV. II. Manning of tiie Summit County Fail, secured tiie eervTcesbrTtor. Joi'Cph'iiaiUii- tyne to adjudicate the chorus. Prof. Kailantj lie is leadtr ol the Ogden Tabernacle choir, and U one of the best judges that could possibly be secured. We are sorry to learn that the Coalville ward choir will not enter the contest, but Leadet-Car ruth informed a representative of UiU paper that it would be impossible to get enough male voices, so he ha decided not to enter the -- t v? fA ft 4 M V vi Weher Coal. spells economy. m It will do a A Try a ton. v vt tons work. Do not lake this season in the airy chances matter of fuel. Coal that Vf VJ SI produces the greatest; amount of heat; coal that burns to the last ounce; coal that is all coal, and the ash of which is evidence clf in heat er.eigy ' M Vt V! Vt Vt Vf Vt thats thelwid vt c; - ell m ns n m t OS OS If V vf V t- t. vt V! vi i (X'fu - smt I il t. u Mipes ot COALVILLE, UTAH. is . f A Ax |