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Show fSj Theodore Lay Roosevelt i I . j j j Governor Hughcsf the Legislature, and , Primary Reform ' I Ucprlnt1 from an arllf t.jr Ihrmtor Hiw..rk,, ln Tnr ,t,,tr tp.rinl arrith.iii.nt wtih Th- Outlook, of w l.i.h 'I h ...(. r tionji,- ,-it in ('.out H-itin tditt.r. Cupyritfl.t. 110. by 1 ti outlook i'uinprttijr. All ll.Mi lt-a.rv-a t IIK1.1KVK Hint Cuvr Tfi.tr j. J nl t.y th- hulk of tin j jiiti! of hla tiTiinurt ft htm, I ".tti.n,-. and I think that thla tma ! I ti ttinr kiitly tli rum- dm n-K.inl illrri't ptttiinry nmnln'l'nt I knnw ; thnt hiniiy lioiimt titnl nlmoro mni , iiic on nn tit.- niM"o.i t.i Mt.iii'it i M kImh on t Mm point. ;,h,! ki.v al--. I Hi:') !: priiptin-il P-lnrin will v. iv ; m-ih!y nrrotiipllsh Iokk thiin Ha 11 j tt' iiio itftvorfHi-a .xjnir wlillo I am ; well puim, a n of ronr-f ; ilniikii j ttii-t : i !, ' '.if tl." wor'h nl ,uiy aiu-h tti'Mit'ir' In Hm' In Ht ri'HHit W . tills ii on iht i'h:ttm'rr ol t h vot-cia. vot-cia. uml thnt tin putonl r.-vl.o rvir a'Tin kimI KnirmtnMit uiila Ihf pfilpto till tl)H-IVN llt'VolK Nlltll rlrnt tMHTKV. II in, luiil JiH.'tnnt to ttuikt tlx f v h i work Ftnally, 1 freely lolmil that hT' and lhin, hrt th. prltu-lpl of i,lnrt noinlna-ttotia noinlna-ttotia tiua Ihh-h nppll'il In loo rrmtn atiapp or aronKtiaiit illy. It Ima. uhll. nbollahltiff e'ruiln vtla. proihiccd or Aiai'inlii.it'l oih.Ti - In rTtiiln riiaea. (nr liiKtaiii.i, puitlnx a irinlum tipm thn lulili txp4nillltir of tnum-y. Hut Hhllo I fici-ly admit all (hla. I npvtrlhilaaa f !. In th tlrat plar. thnt on lh. ftitidHiiiontnl lasun of ill-r't-t primary iiomliiatlona th ticivr nor la rlcht, und. In the aiotid plan, that, aa th niraaurf ttnully mine up fur ai'tlnn In 1h atut lt'lKlainr, It waa wi'll-ntKh fra from all ohji'itlona aava thoai of thi mn who tihjtt to It traiia they are funrtninnntally op-ponod op-ponod to nnx chatig whntivr ln th dfalrd dtrevtlon. Th bill provided only for dlrert popular action In tho prlniarla In relatively amall ax graphlral and political communities, thereby making the experiment flrat ht're there) wan leaat llalilllty to ae rfoua objection, and avoldlnK or defer-rlnir, defer-rlnir, the tnak of dnlfnx with ihoa btR roniiiitii)ltlia whre the difficultly and dniiKTN to h ovrtomt would be ! Krcat'at Moreover, mhllc Riiarantei-I Riiarantei-I mic full llhi'tty of linllvldual art Ion, Ii filao nrovt.h',1 for tin caay malnto j naniKM of party ornunUntltin. and I tlit'ttiy nvolih d wnn' vt-ry n al dan I tfi i a unioiiK t tout that of rncoiirnK ! ina the iihi of innm.cn of the minority party In any given district to dictate ! Itic in tlona of tin miijoilty party. In nther worda, tht propoacd hill, while 1 It tnnrki'd n vry real atcp In advancM, I wna tntitmlvi'ty mid cautiously frani-d. frani-d. atid provided nil povkIUIu nfa uarda nuainat nhuaca. If In practice I It had lallcd lo work In any purlieu-i purlieu-i lar, there would hnve In en no poaallilf dllllculty tn tunkliiR hnieer amend mi-ntH or hatiKea wero neiemtary. The Itepuhllcan patty waa In the nialniKy in h ith houa a of 'in- ecu I. H ue winch r fiiwd loai' ut die Itepnhlt. nn K.iH'ttiit'i recummenda tlona . and attl toih It w ;ta only a i iMlnnrltv of the Kciin'illrati liieinbera , which tncvi t alti-.ui tlil refu'iil, the I I arty cannot ei .it e n meiihiir' of re : ',1it.lhly for the failure; but II la j oiilv iMt to rctin mher that a clear , majettty of tho Itepuhllcan uiemhera 1 o r.i. h house foip ot lcd the bill. ! wlien-ia iht-e fuurtha or over of the , J heinoetata op ohc.1 It. Tbla 1 one, i f llo- t ant h Aher It la ejihier to up j : puilofi Imliv l.lual than party npoiial -i Liltty ! I'lioae wiio bt lleve that h Ui"lr ; aclioti llirv have definitely hei ke the movrmeiil for direct popular pit iiinrlea are, in my Judim-nt. mlntaken In Ita eH.etue. thin la a movement to make tin Kuvcrnment more d'im-1 eratle, more renpoimlve to the whi rttid necda of the people na a whole j With our political machinery It In j aentlal to have an efficient party, but! the muchltiery oiinht to lie aulted to , ilenioenitle and not ollnari hlc t UNtoma and liablta. The .pieatlon whether In i a noli KoterutliK rvpubllc w ahnll have aelf novernltiK partlea la laiRer than the particular bill. We hold that thn rlicht of popular aelf government la Incomplete unleaa It Im liidea the tight of the votera not merely to choimo be tween candidatea when they have been noiiilnatrd, but alao the rluht to determine who theae candldatea ahall be. t'ndnr our ayatem of party government, gov-ernment, therefore, the Votera ahoutd be t uar in teed the right lo determine within Hie ranka of their reapectlve j organizations who the candidate! of j the. partlea will be, no laa than the right to chooao between the rand' dutoa when the randldutea are pre j ented (hem. There la no dealre to break down the reaponalblllty of party organisation under duly ronatl-tilted ronatl-tilted party lenderahlp, but there la dealre lo make thla reaponalblllty real and to give the membera of the party the right to aay whom they dealre to everute thla lenderahlp. In New York tt at o no amall part of the atretigth of the movement hna roine from the pop ! ular conviction that tunny of tin men iiiom prominent In purty Iruderahlp tend at tlmea to forget than In a democracy the function of political leader muM normally he to lead, not to drive. Wo, the men who compote the greut bulk of the community, wlah to govern ouraelve. We welcome lenderahlp, but we wlah our leadura to uuderatund that they derive their utretigfti from ui. and that, although we (Hk tn them for guidance, wi expert ex-pert thla guidance to be In accord ance with our Interuata and our Ideala. ... THEODORE ROOSEVELT. |