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Show Tragic Ending of Mock Dual. KlniMiian, Me A mock duel fniiKhl by iwn Imy. may have a truulc end hm for Kloyd oltiuk. ami of Dcputj Sheriff T J O ltonk While playing Uh Cllffuid Tamil , nxoil 12, Oltnuk pniposed Ihey have a duel, iislni! a revolver nnd rllle. They hinl I rornol'eii 1 tint Iho revolver eolllullled lou.lnl i-ari i-I Ik. a, mid when Ihey i limed, alter Inn Inn stisid back to ,u, k und walked the iiKreed dlaliiiie.n and fired, (illnak fell with a hullni from the revolv, r In his le't hr, ust. |