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Show iDEAS ABOUT THE RAINBOW Quctr Notlona Hald by Ptoplt of Different Coi'Mrlea Regarding Regard-ing the Bow. In many roimtrtcH the ralnhow la j (tioki'ii of aa heliiK a vreat bent pump ir Hlphoti tuhe, drawliiK water from I the earth by mechanical meium. In j patta of HiimhIh, tn the Pun country, i mill aIpo In Moacnw and vicinity. It la knoHit bv it haiiin which la eiiulva li'iii tu 'the bent anter plpe." In ! nearly all Mhivon. , dlaleria ll la known by fMina wlKnlfylnjt ' 'he rloud ill-hoti." and In Unnnary It la "the pit tup," "N'oah'a pump' ami "(iod a pump" Tht? Malayan nnttvea tall It 1 by (In H.iuie name thnt they do their main!" d wnler cohta, only that they 1 add "I 'lhu" inieanliiK double headed I , the c'ltiivaleni In nur Ihiikuukh being "l ho double headed w n?er anake." They tell vou that tin how la a reul thing of life, that It drink with Ita two moutliM, an 1 that the water la trariMferred to tho ctouda tliroiiKli an opeiifnK In thn upper aide of tho con j tie of the (treat iiitIi In the province of Charkav. KiitKa. the rHtnhow la i H.iid to drain the wella, and to prevent 1 this many are provided with heavy, ' tlfl'l IHtliiR Htone plalfnrnia. In il.o pKivliice ol Saratov the bow la anld to he under the control of three Angela, one of whom pumpa the water, the aecond "leeda" the clouda, and the third senda the rain. Many 1m 1 probable and Impoaalble thing would happen If you could only get In reach 1 of "the bow " The little Turk la told that If he would have a Oliver head, with gold teith and ruby eyea. he haa but to touch the orange at ripe. In flreeee they aay that the perann an unfortunate unfortu-nate aa lo atutnhle over the end of thn how will have hla or her act tmm dlately changed. |