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Show m ms Munyon's Witch Maid 6 Soa- p- 11 is more soothing than Cold Cream ; more healing than hff any lotion, liniment or salve; more beautifying than any cosmetic. Cures dandruff and steps hair from ; falling at ay Address Delivered rgo Is Well Received ly eliminate from tha practaes of Its ganlzatlon those things wlikh justify sue ojHkUm- - and attack. This la the path, not only of right, but or aladom and safety. Public opinion tn the Tnlted Stales is dally he omihg more alert and more Intelligent, and more forteful, and no organisation irnji i union or coriMiratton- whethtr industrial or non Incan endure ur permanently dustrial, amount to a sotJal force if it does not harmonise aith a wise and enlightened HUIh Mu we Americans public opinion have been ovtTiu ujc d with material cted to watch the thtn.of and hae the so. tal for. s us Hut p!tt how we are HWHken:n fr. m that Indifference and f Tin of otganlzatlon e onomh- txdlt-h.t- l ti presenting an !o , or so ml (or. m jm undergo a closer In fora rulin' tl in T thlnlT that the util qusi 1ST of a he will centur' Important politically In rn in wars and In lone more so than In ihor movi ment th Not only are the hem Ills of luhor organizations mure rlear-I- ' understood than e'er before, but any outing or vi.e dlspla'ed ln connection theiewlth Is also inure i (early understood and more quickly resented The puhll Is growing more and more to un-- f d. rstand that. In a contest between and emploee-- a corporation and u trades union not only the Interest of the eonlestanls, but tire Interests of the third parlv-t- he public must be considered Anvthlng like levity In provoking a strike, on the one hand or on the other is tertaln more and more .to be I.' Ihe public Slrlk.-- are sometimes and proper sometimes they rep .sent the onI wav In which, after all l.er methods hart been exhaust, d. It Is possible for the laboring man lo stand for Ids rights, hut It must he clearly understood Ihat a strike Is a matter of last reft Our social organization Is too complex for us lo fall quickly to condemn those who. with levltv or In a spirit of wanton brulalltv. bring about and disastrous interf. rente with tin normal processes The public sympathizes cordially with any n iveinent for a good standard of living and for moderate hours of employment. (I personally, for Instance, cordlullv belle' e In an eight hour day, and In one day In seven for complete rest ) Where men snd women are worked under harsh und Intolerable conditions. and can secure no relief without a strike, or. Indeed where the strike Is undertaken for things which are and then only as a last vitally resort the public sympathy will favor the btit It will not favor them unh ss such conditions as these are fulfilled Therefore It Is becoming more than ever Important that the labor movement should combine steady, leadership with discipline and control tn Its ranks Dishonest leadership ! a curse anywhere tn American Ilf, and nowhere Is It a greater curse than In the labor movement. If there la on lesson Which I would rather teach to my than any other: It Is to hound down the dishonest man no matter what hi condition and to brush eslde whh Impatient contempt the creature who only denounces dishonesty when It la faund In aorne special social stratum. There are dishonest capitalists, dishonest labor leader dishonest, lawyer, and dishonest business men: dishonest men of great wealth and dlahoneat poor men; and tha man who Is a genuine reformer will decline to single out any one type for exclusive denunciation, but will fearlessly attack the dlshopest man aa such, whenever and wherever he Is to be found. lu-g- ,.r out JOII ACTION NECESSITY A - . fur Trai Unions Commended. But Some Tblr Acta Criticised Amerl-:Federation Planks Ap proved by Speaker. RY IIURINE EYE REUED TGRANULATED Far Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes sad EYELIDS Y Murine Doesnt Smart Soothes Eye Pain Dnucwta 5cB Maria Era Governor Hughes, the Legislature, and Primary Reform Iwiy, Uiii 25c, 51c, Sl.tt Aptc Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago RELIABLE I PROMPT Uoid aod Hi'tfer fl uo. Nllr-aGold, and liu Gold and HUrer rflnd and bought Copier writ for frrn mailing kroL. Otl)K ASAY C'Oi ASSAYS 1636 Court Flaca, Deuver, Colorado Patience Very, Very Easy. You can't do without money? Patrice anything Oh, yes, you can. You can run in debt. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive About the size of your ahoen, many people wear smaller ahoen fy using Aliens frootLw, the Antiaeptic Powder to aiiake into the shoe eet and It cures Tired, Swollen, Aching Juat the thing for give a rest and comfort. breaking in new shoe. Bold everywhere, 26c. Sample sent FREE. Addreaa, Allen 8. ulmaied, Le Roy, N. Y. Source of Revelation. new, crisp $1 bills, says Harper's Weekly, weigh as much as a $20 gold piece. Wouldnt have thought It, and have no means of proving the assertion, but If so It Is probably owing In some way to the recent activity of the Inspectors of weights and measures Twenty-seve- n Important to Motners Examine caret u.ly every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought -- k Scandal. Mrs. Simmonds glanced at the scare headline: "Bank Robbed! Police at Sea! and laid down the sheet. 'vNaow, look at that, Ez! she ejaculated, repeating the headline aloud. "Heres a big city bank broke Into by burglars, and tb' city police force all off flshln somewhere! What a scandal ! Judge. When the Fish Exploded. Somebody discovered that fish are fond of gasoline, and this led to the idea of soaking worms in gasoline In order to make them more alluring when used for ball. Mark the result Two of those gaso'ine-temptefish exploded In the frying pan, and broke the kitchen window, and blew the cooks face full of mashed potato, and hurled the teakettle Into the flour barrel, and palpted the kitchen ceiling with stewed tomatoes. Call It a lying world and let It go at d that. Try to Come Back. dttong ago Lord Kinnaird, who is always actively Interested In religious work, paid a surprise visit to a mission school in the east end of London and told a class of boys the story of Samson. Introducing his narrative, bis lordship added; He was strong, became weak, and then regained his strength, enabling him to destroy his enemies. Now, boys, If I had an enemy, what would you advise me to do? A little boy, after meditating on the secret that great giant's strength, shot up his hand and exclaimed; Get "a bottle of 'air restorer. A This Is a Good ; Breakfast! Instead of preparing a hot meal, have some fruit; Post Toasties with cream; BELIEVE 1 I(h that Governor majority 1 I h e dan-gei- ABOUT IDEAS THE RAINBOW Queer Notions held by People of Different Countries Regarding the Bow. . j; Such a breakfast is pretty sure to win you. 'The Memory. Lingers Postum Cereal Co,. Ltd. Battle Creek. Mich. s D. Sept 5 The union frees of Fargo and thousands persons had a treat today eodore Roosevelt delivered Abr Dav address He spoke Pal ibiie88 and with frank 4 his speech was well received k the big crowd that heard it. CohMel Roosevelt's address was as of in- - legis folIcfVK Ijihor I apak In on I 1 I x-- Wre-earn- er wage-work- fellow-worke- er r. well-bein- nee-"-- tr wage-worke- r, g fellow-Amerl-ca- Worthy Leader Available. For many years I have been more or less closely associated with representative leaders of labor unions. Some of these wage-worke- r, wage-earner- -- The passage and enforcement of rtgM labor laws which will coves every portion of thla country. fi. Suitable and plentiful playground for children In all the cities. Inasmuch aa preevntlon Is always beat, especial attention should be paid to the ' prevention of Industrial accident! by pasting laws requiring tha use aY safety devices At present tha loos of Ilf Sad limb among tha Industrial workers ef tha United fltates ts simply appalling, tad. every year eouaia In magnitude the killed and wounded tn a war. Moat of throe casualties are preventable: and our legislative policy should be shaped It would ba a good Idem accordingly. to establish In every city a museum ef safety devices, from which the worker could get drawings of them and Information aa ta how they could ba obtained and used. T. anti-chil- d fair-size- d - ,te rt er matter-of-cour- g , Ah-'T-- m t near-sighte- v nature u. s. -- ger'-rzlly- . for a nickels worth of u4 e in lv The Common Notion.- - . lezt-book- s; nntl-slo- bv-th- ""What's "your Idea of success? 1 sw-s- 5 Bacon I se a patent has been granted for an attachment to rocking chairs to operate a fan to cool the. occupants. Egbert And when a man goes Into tha dark room and stubs hla toe against the rocker, we do not think the new attachment will cool him off any. Yonkers Statesman. Federation Planka Approved. Women and children should. ISyoad all question, be protettrd. and In thete esses there can b that the states should act They should be particular nbtects of our solicitude: and they should be guarded tn an efTectlva fashion against the demand of a too greedy comOn mv ret ent trip In the mercialism neighborhood of Rcranlnn and Wilke-ban- every one I spoke lo agreed aa t the Immense Improvement that had ben wrought bv the effective enforcement of the law prohibiting children under the age of fourteen year from working, and prohibiting women from working more than ten hour a dav Personally, I think ten hour loo long. hut. he thla aa It may, ten hours a dav wa a great advance Among the plank In the platform of the American Federation of Labor there are some to whh h I very strongly subscribe They are Free i bools free compulsort education 2 A work day of not more than eight hour ft Release from employment on day In aeven 4 The abolition of the sweat-sho- p system B Sanitary Inspection of factory, workshop mine and horn. 6 liability of emoloyer for Injury ta body or loss of life. II regard tha demand In this form as What w need la an automatically lived compensation for all Injuries received bv the employee In the course ef his duty, this being Infinitely better fiaa the employee and more Juat to the employer. The only sufisrers will be law- yers of that undealrabls claaa which azlnta chiefly by carrying on lawsuits of this wage-workr- rs wage-earner- s, -- Not-Ihefb- IrkNew York, for Ins'anc these defects In ur Industrial life are either bataQ remedied or else are being made a aubjaefi ef Intelligent study with a view to thsfin remedvln New York a bill embodying! moderate compensation for accidents ham already been passed. Other states xsUA undoubtedly fdllow In the same path. That Federal go'ernnient has, so far as W own employee-A- re concerned, been the hist to retognlz aud put Into shape thkn principle However,hts pioneer law wan not made comprehensive enough. It doW not roxer all the employees of the Federal government that ought to come within tl pro'lslon and the amount paid foo permanent disability or deat Is entirely Nevertheless, It Inadequate step In sd'unce to nave this workingmens compensation accepted ? embodied In the Fed-r- al statutes, ahd the recent a tlon of congress In providing foe s commission to iuly and report upon the stubject gives promise that the same principle will soon he applied tn prlvatw hrtna that come within the Jurisdiction ed the Tederal government. men are among my close friends, whom I respect and admire aa heartily as I do Muii Depend on Our Own Efforts- any men In .America. There are same of aa of all them to whom I go as freely for assistIt la LTtle of - Tb matter - of eempewaatten- for- - H other iftzen. that moat of their prorreea ance and guidance, for aid and help; In making up my mind how to deah wtth our Juries lo employee Is, perhaps, more Immust lepend upon their own Initiative and ttlr own afforts. Navertheleaa, there social problems, aa I go to the leaders of mediately- vital than any other. The reare ftrre dlffarent factora 'In thla prog- any business or profession. I cannot pay port of the commission which has begun to look Into this matter on behalf of ress There ta. first, the ahare which tha too high a tribute to the worth and Integroans pwn individual qualities must de rity of these men to their sincerity and the New York legislature Is well worth reedlrg The bill presented by the FedIrrmlpe, Thla Is thp most Important of good Judgment aa leaders. But no moveall tnr nothing can supply thp place of ment no leadership however earnest and eration of Labor In Wisconsin on thks Yet there are two honest, can endure unless the rank and suhlect seems excellent In all dangerous Individual capacity. file live up to their duties, and search trade the employer should be forced to other factora also of prime Importance; for such leadership, and support It when share the burden of the accident, so that namely, what can be done by the find It. In men a If the best labor the shock mat he home by the eommu-n't- v with one another: they In aa a whole This would be a meanunion leave Its management and control and ghat can be done by government that h. by the Instrument through which to men of a poorer type, the effect w'lj be er- of lusttce In Itself, and would do wlth fruitful source of antagonJust ts disastrous as when good citizens all tke people work collectively. Wage - orse ism between employer and employed ss and Hher most Important conditions of In a city follow Ihe tts-- ." Our Ideal ahould o a rata of wag- The home city government employment must remain largely outside tflclentlv high to enable workmen to of gayernment control: must be left for man In a union la Just as much resporsl-hin live In a manner conformable to American for the sins of and artjugment by free contract between em .Uvo. .Ideals of his orgutilz.it.lon Id educate their, But 'to attempt ployen and man In a . Ity Is for Ihe civic conchildren, snd to provide for alckness snd to leave thla merely to Individual action ditions und.-- which he suffets and about old age: lit abolition of child labor; meant the abeolute destruction of Indivisafety dev lie legislation to prevent Indualise; for where the Individual Is so which he romp! line. y All that can prop-ribe don should dustrial accidents, nnd automatic rent- -. weak that he. perforce ha to accept be rdone by all of us to help upward the pensatton for losaes caused by thrse Ina strongly organised Whatevebody ' standard of living and to. Improve the dustrial accident. , ehoona to give him. hi Individual liberty It shllllv of the average man to reach that becoeea a mere sham and mockery , In There are still United the .standard toctadlapenaeMy.. gieceepaj-y- DnwlMV.ln, h tvs- Faith-In- ' VsurssH.--- ' PtKtex great masses uf isIGlled Vnd unorJV-ter- n pregv t She largest degree There la a tremenddui power In ihe ganized labor, whose conditions of work pf Individualism, that there .should and living are harsh and pitiable It la a habit of expectancy, the conviction be efwtlve and organized collective must act Jointshouting Indictment al our.JndusirULcQll that we ahall realize ur ambition, that-o- ur ditlon to be told In a ly. through the process of collective dreams ahall come true. There la In a thousthat way government report tn great Industrial enterprise In this country are comno uplifting habit like that attitude of Only thus can they le put upon a plane ands of worker pelled to toll everyday In the week, withof ecpnomlc equality with their corporate that our heart yearnings Is said to be under the control of three out one day rest, for a wage of 46 a expecting Only thus la freedom of conetnplrrr. will be matched with realities; that Rut h a condition Is had for them, n.onth mere a not and made a real tract whom one of thing angels, pumps the water, and. In Ihe end, bnd for all" of u. Our things are going to turn out well and There are occasional occuthe second leeds the clouds, and legal fiction. we are gotnglo succeed; 111; where thl Is not necessary ; but. commercial development should be hearpation the third sends the rain. Many Im- speaMng broadly. It la necessary through- tily encouraged: hut It must not b al- not no that matter whet may or may not that to our lowed morale. commercialize Indusand the of world probable impossible things would out organized great r. It Is not merely the duty of the happen, we are going to be happy, says happen If you could only get in reach try. i believe this practise of collective also the of the genSucceia. butdtls such duly effective through only bargaining, of the bow ae the trades unions to eral public, to see that he has safe and There Is nothing else ao helpful aa The little Turk Is told that If he orgapizntlons fo which under carry have keen one of the most potent factor the carrying of thla optimistic, expectcomon be worker should No his work. would have a silver head, with gold In tha past century In promoting the ant attitude the attitude which al-- . and In pelled, aa a condition of earning hi dally teeth and ruby eyes, he has but to pmgwss of the hr sd. lo risk his Pfe and limb, or be ways looks for and expects the best,' larger social progress for humantouch the orange stripe. In Greece deprived of his health, or have to work the highest, the happiest and never ity. I believe hi the principle of organthey say that the person so unfortu- ised labor and In the practlae of collec- under dangerous and bad surrounding because It allowing oneself to get Into the pessinate as to stumble over the end of the tive ksrgalntng, not merely aa a desir- Society owe the worker thl but aa owes as much to Itself. H should pot mistic, discouraged mood. able filing for the how will have his or her eex lmm be compelled lo make this a matter of Deueve with alt your heart-tha- t aomcfiilng which has been demonstrated you dlately changed. to be essential In tha long run to their conlrat t he ought not to be left to fight will do what you were made - to do. In condition thla decent alone for respect progress. permanent Thl d- - - not maan that I unequlvo-eaHv-4n- e His protection In the place where he Never for an Instant harbor a doubt of that work should he guaranteed by Jhe law of thla. Drive It out of your mind If It Classified.' Only he should be seeks entrance. Entertain" only the 1 confess to being rather particular labor prgunlzatlons mar happen to adopt, tlje land In rdher words, during hla working hours friendly thoughts or ideals of the thing as? or all principle that, they may protected about my pajamas, said the fastldl or on Ihe part esrelesenea and to chocs! against greed enunciate. Labor organisations ous man, "and I had "kn experience have the weaknesses and defects you are bound to Achieve. Reject all common of unscrupulous and thoughtless employlast week that nearly gave me nervous to afi other forma of human organlza-tlon.- ers, Just ns ottls'de of those working thought enemies,' all discouraging Sometimes they act very well, and hours both lie and his employer are promoods everything which would eves prostration, until I saw the humor of aomatknee act very badly: and I tected In thtr five nod property against failure or unhappiness the situation. I was staying In a little am fix themthey suggest when they act well, and I the murderer and thief. country town down In Maryland, and am against them when they act badlv. I Far Behind Other 'Nationa. It was necessary to send some soiled bellevt that their existence Is a necessity; This opens a vitally Important field of Wasted Effort. are tnrlidsHon 1 bells' e that their alma and purpose to the National government clothing to the laundry, the one laun- genertlly of I all that' believe It and la said that a California poet was I good: It state the and alike, lo humiliating dry of which the .village boasted. them hay occasionally made mistake, to think how-- far w pf this country are badly bandied by hla wife because Judge of my surprise when my and ttat some of them have been guilty behind most of the other countries In he neglected to support the family. Just In so far as they sut h mntters stuff was returned to me to find that of Wlng-dolnPractically all civilized When they asked for bread he gave are strong and effective they tempt rmifTlries have. ffr more than a decade, had been my pajamas heavily men who seek to control them e them a sonnet, and when they clametrietcat the regulations prohibited atarched, with decided creases Ironed for thslr own tntereets, and stimulate the po'sonous match Industry; yet we had ored for pie be came acroae with a down In front. I was not only en- d!rei of ambitious leader who may tie .not done anything at all until very madrigal. crooked men, or who may be honto protect th laborers against this raged, but mystified as well, until. In eleven est bet visionary and foolish. In other horrihle danger. Nevertheless, It doesnt seem quite The Nation governlooking over the bill," I came Ho this wor-In treating of labor unroll, as trr ment made' an Investigation a year ago right for his wife to reach over and tfe-'humiffrttv or of of item; corporations, iflTiT'thts Industry, which showed a condl- snatch tufts from hla cranium cover Wf will do well lo remember One tennis suit 35 cents. tlon jf things unspeakably shocking and and batter hla abina with benrh-madLincoln's saying that "there I legislation to prevent these Blioes and crack hla slats with fitl of human nature In i mankind." revolting n buses was Introduced In congress, which In a man or In an organized W! not was handle. That sort of treat- -' (Jlnce then the a broom passed. Hid ijfatlvf Gift for It. badv-a- f auo. tha powst ha dn gnnd meant, sw doesnt bring resuHa. A poet nielli Artist Ah, Giles, good morning. I that auch power may be twlatcd Into evil; nounred that they have done (war with and a twisted neck black a with want you to come and give me a and ta proportion a Ihe power grow ao ths objectionable eye conditions. I hope fto, becomes steadily more Important that but whether have or not. a law and a dented kneepan la no more usefew sittings some time.. I ehppose ft ahould they be handled aright. Just In proIt should be passed In strlnrent form to preful than a poet in perfect order. you can eit? portion aa in Its proper funrtlon power vent any possible Iwtikslldlng. What the lady ahould do would be Giles Can I set? Lor, yes like Is Imfortant to aorlal progress, stv-l-n It Bo It Is In ihe matter of Injuries lo eman old hen!- Improper function It becomes fraught with ployees In what 1 called ''employers to have her poet hubby pick up some aortal disaster. liability" legislation other Industrialftcoun-trie- s side trade that would promise finanWit Courts For Original Labor. have accepted the principle that the cial results as they did In Indiana,, A Plunge Into the Prosale. Out-ld- e critics should appreciate the Industry mutt bear Ihe monetary burden where you will find the baker writes "See the beautiful sunset colors on pecee-U- v of organized labor, and under nf Its human aqcrlfl ca, and that the emfandan4f sympathize with what la good ployee who I Injured shall have a flxed poetry and ao do the hairdresser and said the poetic young the watei In It. 'nslead nf condemning It Indiacrlm-Inate'and definite sum. The United State still the motormlan and the bartender. woman. On the t1thf hand, those w'thln proceeds on an outworn and curiously ImBut there la no use attempting to I'm glad to know what they are, lit rialA should fearlessly "analyze th' proper principle. In accords ncr wlth which club I man. money out of a noeLT the held been too often courts It bY cr.t the ruthleaareplied has d rooted It and developnent. - wage-earne- double-beaded)- "Getting-$50 Dny toHally to thon prona!ty and in the ibor Ktrunele Vltaljr and to ttpeak of this primarily as one '! a Htruggle growAspect d the larger ing flM 6 the attempts to readjust social ronrffciD land make them more equitable Th ittteenth cetiturv distinctly one economic triumphs triumphs In he doran of production Including trans portjRfcdand the mechanics of exchange The jvihTlouM progress made in these respftjela mans productive multiplied almost Inconceivable degree powtt4n In ti ttttfei of the production of wealth, as met prosroKa xvaa itmd during the nlnetaertt century as during all previous perlnfii hlstoi) dawned, that Is' the ehantrs- brmixht in a single century through machinery and steam have been SrcattrSsn the sunt total of the changes of th meedltiK thousands of years: and thevry elianices and this material proRissihave thrust upon us social and pntliMlfrnhlrms of the first magnitude The of the physical sciences In the slnaeenth century represented progress yrtnuily In tha material element of The moat presalng problems elvlllfiflgi. that eoSront the present century are not concerns with the material production of wean, but with its distribution. The demand! of progress now deal not so th tha much Sth the material as moral eat ethical factora of civilisation. marsea to la baSi the that Our problem velously augmented powers of production bequeatM to ua by the nineteenth century ahd In the twentieth be made to tha needa of the many rather thiLUberxplotted for tha profit of the few faces this The Snerican wage-earnlarger erial problem In a rtuaT capacity: first, aaa cltlsen of the Republic charged with thifull duty of cltlaenahlp: and next as a as a Ip who. tepther with hla vitally pneerned In thp question of wages of and geeral conditions employment, g and which ITect not only hla that of hla wtfa and children, but tha epporitiltlea of all workara for a higher heiilihv-condlllt- countries the rainbow is spoken of aft being a great bent pump or siphon tube, drawing water from the earth by mechanical means. In parts of Russia, in the Don country, and also In Moscow and vicinity. It is known by a name which is equivaIn lent to "the bent water-pipe- . nearly all Slavon! r, dialects. It 1 "known by termslgnlfylng the cloud siphon! and In Hungary it Is the "Noahs pump and God's pump, The Malayan natives call It pump. by the same name that they do their ntanded water cobra, only that they , add "boba" (meaning the equivalent In our language being water-snak"the double-headeThey tell you that the bow is a real thing of life, that It drinks with Its two mouths, and that the water is transferred to the clouds through an opening in the upper side of the centre of the great arch. In the province of Charkav,' Russia, the rainbow la raid To drain the wells,- - and to prevent this many "are provided with heavy, stone platforms. In the province of Saratov the bpw In many work. reat-nb- s wage-earne- tight-fittin- A soft boiled egg; :SIiceofcrispJoast; A cup of Postum. ( latute which refused to ian out ihe recommends Republican goverror' lions, and although It was only a minority of the Republican members which bi ought about this refusal, the Tarty cannot escape a measure of responsibility for ihe failure; but It Is otilv just To renn uiber that a clear majority of the Republican members of each house supported the bill, whereas three fourths or over of the Democrats opposed it. This Is one of tin cases where It is easier to apportion Individual than party responsibility. ThoBr "who believe that b their action they have definitely checked the movement for direct popular prl marles are. In my Judgment, mistaken In its essence, this is a movement to make the government more democratic, more responsive to the wishes and needs of the people as a whole. With our political machinery It is essential to have an efficient party, but the machinery ought to be suited to democratic and not oligarchic customs and habits. The question whether in a self governing republic we shall have self governing parties Is larger than the particular bill. We hold that Is the right of popular incomplete unless It includes the right of the voters not merely to choose candidates when they have been nominated, but also the right "to determine who these candidates shall be. Under our system of party government, therefore, the voters should be guaranteed the right to determine within the ranks of their respective organizations who the candidates of the parties will be, no less than the right to choose between the cand! dates when the candidates are presented them. There is no desire to of bpeak down the responsibility party organization under duly constituted party leadership, but there Is a desire to make this responsibility real and to give the members of the party the right to say whom they desire to execute this leadership. In New York state no small part of the strength of the movement has come from the popular conviction that many of the men most prominent In party leadership tend at times to forget than In a democracy the function of a political leader must normally be to lead, not to drive. We, the men who compose the great bulk of the community, wish to govern ourselves. We welcome leadership, but we wish our leaders to understand that they derive tbelr strength from us. and that although we look to them for guidance.' ve'ei-- ' pect-thi- s guidance to be In accordance with our interests and our ideals. . THEODORE ROOSEVELT. has been by the bulk of the wis- est and most disinterested public opinion as rtgards most of his measures and think that this has positions, and been markedly the case as regards I know dltect primary nominations that many honest and sincere men ate on principle opposed to Gowipoi-Hugheon this point, and I know also that the proposed reform will ny possibly accomplish less than its ex am trenie advocates expert: while well aware, as of course all thinking men must be, t'mt the worth of any such measure in the lust "resort depends upon the character of the voters, and that no patent device will ever gecute gool government unless the people themselves devote sufficient energy, time, and judgment to make the device work Finally, 1 freely admit that here and there, where the principle of direct nominations has been applied In too crude shape or wrongheadedly, It has, while abolishing certain evils, produced or accentuated others In certain cases, for Instance, putting a premium upon the lavish expenditure of money. But while 1 freely admit all this, I nevertheless feel. In the first place, that on the fundamental issue of direct primary nominations the Governor Is right, and. In the second place, that, as the measure finally came up for action In the state legislature, It was well-nigfree from all objections save those of the men who object to It because they are fundamentally opposed to any change whatever In the desired direction. The bill provided only for direct popular action In the primaries la relatively small geographical and political communities, thereby making the experiment first where there was least liability to serious objection, and avoiding or deferring the task of dealing with those big communities where the difficulties and dangers to be overcome would bea greatest. Moreover, while guaranteeing full liberty of Individual action, It also provided for the easy malnte-naaneof party organization, and s thereby avoided some very real among them that of encouraging the use of masses of the minority party In any given district to dictate the actions of the majority party. In. other words, the proposed bill, while It marked a very real step In advance, was tentatively and cautiously framed. and provided all possible safeguards- Kain8f.ftbyaes,i JfJn practice,. It had tailed ta .work In any particular, there would have been no possible Hficulty In making whatever amende igpts or changes were necessary. The Republican party was in the In birth houst-- slu-rt- . Fi St N. Hooeevelt in The Outlook hv apertal Reprinted from an article by Theodore Outlook, of which Theodore Ronaevelt la Contribution arrangement with The All Rights Reserved LUitor. Copyright, 1910. by The Outlook Company. Muria Ejra Saiwa, in Tub, 25c, $1.00 EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL I that the frightful burden of the acrid shall be borne In Its entirety by the very person least able to bear IL Fortunately. a number of state tn Wisconsin u4 q.l-c- d against thought the bathing suits had faded. A ten |