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Show IFOILED By ENGINEER i BRAVE MAN PREVENTS MOLD UF OF COLORADO MIDLAND TRAIN AND KILLS BANDIT. , Refuaed to Obey Ordera When Cov red by Revolver in Handt of Robber and Began Shooting. Which Put Hia Comradea to Flight. la-ailvllle. Colo -As ihe result o nn all. -1111.1.11 Hum rohbery on th Cnl, ii ado Midland railway betveet Divide llud Klnressmit, one rohber II d.-iid, Knmneer HI, viirt shot in tin Ick. und mi iiiikiinwn hobo Uuuiteroim ly Injured Ihe oilier two rohheri inadn their escape, but it poa.e nrmin Ircd by Hberiff Von Piihl has taker Ihe trail When th,. Midland vraihouml No 3. In churKo ol Cumluelnr Wesle) Hleele. reuched IllVlde, one of tin riibhera cllinhed on the tinder, anil When the luilli reuched If lie post :i a .hurt dlslanie heyniu, envered 1)11 Klneer Hlewurt with u revolver. I hi train hud .lopped ui Una point tc meet train No, 4, eualhnuud. Htew rl, however, drtw hla revolver, when Iho robber opened tire, the bullet trlklnx Hlewart In the lea; Hlewart promptly iiciicd tlm. tcIllliiK Ihe man At thla moment the olher bnndilr aetu a fusillade of bulleta mm the door of Ihe express rnr. bill the e preaa meaaenuer refused to in n Ihe door liy thla lime the Irani crew opened tlm on the rnbbi ra nnd Ihey Inline, Hat. 'ly II, ,1 In ihe dmkne.a. An unknown trump, wlui wua aleulinn a ride on No. :s, vu. incidentally shut by the (rain innier und aeriuusly injured |