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Show 00 j FUNERALS Funeral services for Eliza Jane Rawson will be held at 11:30 o'clock p. m. Sundav In the Sixth ward cha- pel with Bishop A. B- Foulger officiating offic-iating The body may be viewed this afternoon and evening and tomorrow until 1 1 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs Aaron Jackson. 2355 Madison avenue. Funeral services for Carol Elsberry were held yesterday afternoon at 2 !o clock In tho Pleasant View meeting house. Bishop's Counsellor. William Wade, presided. A duet. "Tho Deepening Deep-ening Trials" was sung by Ethel and Walter Chamberlain. A solo Lord 1 Come to Thee," was sung by Wallace j Budge. Miss Carmen Douglas sang 'My Task' and Mary Barker sang "Seeing the Lord In Twilight." The speakers were Bishop A A. Bingham. IP ni L. Jensen and E. A. Larkln Interment v.as In the North Ogden icemetery. Rufus Rhees dedicated the grave. Funeral services for W. A. Hlcken-dooper Hlcken-dooper who died In Salt lake of ap-ipendlcltls. ap-ipendlcltls. will be luld at noon Sun-'day Sun-'day In the Third ward chapel in Salt Lake City The body will be brought ;lo Ogden and services held In the Lar-Idn Lar-Idn & Sons chapel In Ogden at 3 30 o'clock Sunday. Burial will take place-in place-in 'he ogden City cemetery, Tin- body may be viewed at Larkln Jt Sons In Salt lako from y o'clock until 11:30 o'clock Sunday. |