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Show , 1 j PRESS AGENTiNG OFTEN RUINS j MANY PROSPECTIVE BALL STARS I T ' - , .. - mm- Left tn Right. Wily Kamin nml Jack Bentley; Below, Jimmy O'Conncll. By BIXJjY Eft X& Presenting the "mllion-dollai babies" of baseball. Jimmy O'Contjell. Billy Knmm and Jack Bentlery. In the spring tho baseball fans ol the country will give much attention to this costly trin. Publicity olwoyi urouNeo curloblty. und gOOQllOSfl kttOWl these three young men have had more than their bliurn of publicity. Jimmy O'Cohnoll goes to the New Yorn OlanU. About 11 year icgo Mo-draw Mo-draw giiu $73,000 to th Ban Frnn-Clsea Frnn-Clsea elub for O'Conneil. He was then a first baseman, in order tc put through tho dul McGraw was forced to allow O'Conneil to play the following year on tho OOOSt, einr-o MrUraw lnt'-na lo use " Con- noil OS an outfielder ho stipulated that li be played in the outfield rather than nt first, in all probability lic-Qrdw lic-Qrdw figures on O'Conneil filling the . enter field gap on the Giants Billy Kamm comes to tho Chicago I White Sox with tho reputation of being th" best third packer ever sent 1 cast from tho Coast league. Kamm cost the Sox 5100.000 In addition to a number of players. Chicago has already turned over three pitchers, Hodge, McWeeny and Courtney; also Third Raseman Eddlo Mulligan as part payment. I Jack Brniley of the Baltimore club. known n.n tho Bnbo Ruth of the mtn-1 mtn-1 oro .was only recently purchased by ftlcQraw for the New York (Hants. Bentley lc said to have cost McCiraw ' I . ,'ioo. lie can play first or pitch iMcGraw soya he Intends to use him Ion lh' rublier. The Showing of O'Conneil und Kamm last year was a bit of a mir-'prlse. mir-'prlse. O'Conneil, a natural left-handed hitter, was expected to show the way to Kamm, who Is a right hander. mid more or less a manufactured hitter. hit-ter. Kamm waa a weak batter when ho broke Into the Coat league, but hu shifted his eiylo until ho got results. re-sults. East season in the Coast league Kamm batted .3-43, while O'Conneil hit only .335. Bentley batted .35a. and 'when not playing first base won 13 'out of 14 games as a pitcher. Mc-Graw Mc-Graw says he intends to ubo him In Ithat capacity. hat will the spring bring forth? We shall see what we shall see. |