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Show i MOVIE PUBLISHER IN DIVORCE ACTION , NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Charging that her husband, Eugene F. Bre.vstor, , wealthy publisher of motion picture Tnagazlnos, had maintained a screen actress in their home at Roalyn, L L and then moved to a house la Morris-town, Morris-town, N. J., with her, Mrs. Eleanor Brewster today began a suit for separation sep-aration In Brooklyn supremo court-In court-In an affidavit presented by her attorney, at-torney, Mrs. Brewster declared she had protested againbt her husband's action, ac-tion, but that he had refused to change the situation. In addition, a letter I which she claims was written by him was added to the court papers In which Brewster admitted an lnfatua-j 1ion for an unnamed woman Mrs. Brewster said the actress' name was MlSS Corless Palmer and declared that! In March, 1'21, her husband admitted the Infatuation. The publisher in his answer disclaimed dis-claimed any wish to escape his obligations obli-gations to his family. |