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Show I WAS POWERFUL LEADER. Rising from obscurity to n domlnaht placo In national affaire. Jamea R. Mann of IlllnoiB. who dld Thursday night, was ono of America's unusual men. He had B record of accomplishment accomplish-ment in the lower house of congress which includes continuous work for 26 fears, Yet only one law, the Mann white slave act, bears his name. Congressman Mann was not a lpadcr in oratory. M was not even a frequent fre-quent speaker In congress. But ho was a leader in committee work. Ter-hapa Ter-hapa his most conspicuous position was that of minority loader during the Wilson administrations. Then, when Speaker Gillette was elected to tho chair of tho houao, the Illinois congressman con-gressman became chairman of that a 11 -important committee, the commlt-'tee commlt-'tee of committees. This committee i determines the malte-up of the housw i organization, practically to which men lhe various hills shall be sent for con-islderation. con-islderation. Congressman Mann wa? leader because be-cause of hard work. Ke was striving continuously to do that which he considered con-sidered best for the nation. His constituents, con-stituents, the people of the Hyde Park district in Chicago, returned him for the fourteenth term in the recent election. They knew James Mann as ' IS) lawyer of their village, as It was j when he first started his career; as their alderman in Chicago; as th (Congressman and as ihrir leader In 'national affairs. Such men ure worth i of a place In history. |