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Show YANKS CAPTURE I INITIAL BATTLE I Tobin's Errors Play Big I Role in New York's H 2 to 1 Victory IMERUAN LEAGUE. Hf v L. Pet. B Pi Louis is 34 . 5S8 I'M New York 4 8 3$ .57S Chicago 41 39 Ria lAoti oit 31 1 50fi Washington . ..38 4 t . m VM f.'loveiaud ....... .37 41 . 67 BoStob t? 45 .48 iflB PHIlaaelfihia . ..33 43 .434 Yesterday's Results. At PoSton Cleveland 2, Bostcrn. 0. JH M New.' York St. Louis 1. New York j. . At Philadelphia (First game l De-1 De-1 troit 2, Philadelphia 4 (Second game) Detroit 8. Philadelphia 8. LH At Washington Chicago 1, Wmafa-ington Wmafa-ington 3 Todays -: Pilule Dutrbli at PhUadl Iphla Cleveland at Boston iH St, Libuls at New York. Chicago at Washington. NEW YORK. July 12 The Ne H j York Yankees drefc- fir-t flood Tues 'lA day in ;heir series with' St. Louis, Busfa winning a keenly contested pltchmg duel from Shocker, 2 to 1 'M Bush wai especially successful agalnsr 'M Srtler, St liOtii leading hitter, who H failed to reach first baee in four timet. up Slaler fell down on n big chance in the eighth after Tobln and Gerbei c.nKleiJ n ith two out. After St Loul3 scored in the first Hj ' mnlng on Tobin's single, Sisler s inllcld on' md Willie mu' single, New York fled the 3(.ore In the second on a ' freak home run by Ward. In trying to make a one-handed catch of IH W aid's hi-li line drive, Williams de- bH fleeted the ball Ifilb the bleachers tor H I home run. H I r 1-1 k. ; St Louis 1 j I New York I 7 i) J Batteries Sm.cker nnd Bevereid, H Bush and Schang. JE PHILADELPHIA, July 12. Phila H : delphia won both ends of a double- H header Tuesdnj, 4 to 2r and 9 to H H ! Rommeil receiving credit for both R triumphs. WB Walker of the Athletics hit hi K I twentieth homer 01 the season in th( first game and hi twenty-first in th B DCdnd. Young n ode six straight hit! B durin ihe two "inie first game. B R. H E Detroit 2 6 1 B I Philadelphia ... 4 7 a B Batteries: miette and Bassler B Jtc.ii.iiel alid Biugy. 81 cond game: R. H. E. B utolt 14 I B Philadelphia ...9 1 a B Latteries. Oleaon, Ehmkc, Stontr B Johnson and Bejsler. Woodall. Man- B ion; Helmach, Sullivan, R. Yarrison fl Ronimel and Perkins. J BOSTON, July Morton held I Boston to four Vis, Tuesday and B loveland won, 2 to 0. i .?.a,;a.nr'r s stnslc a bun: and B :., ills doubly scored one run in thi B 1 lth ShigleS by Wambsganss and B vvcod and an info-id out tccounted for HE ;the other run in he sith Hi , m il " 5; B ( leveland j 7 0 WM Boston . . .0 4 1 iteriei! SioiU-n and O'fVftlll Eer- mE , gui'on. Piercyanl O'Neill. W VSIILVGTON. .luv 12 Washing- B 0,1 toi.k lie op.-ning Rome 0f the B series rrom Cliicngo Tuesda. 3 to 2 1 Earl Smith, hailing tor Mogridge In I the seventh, drove out a hit which ifi,- ' esponslble roi- the iw.i runs whlrh EV I won for the locals. I .-u. K H. E. fe 'Chicago 2 g . H WashlAftbn j 7 f, 1 P:iU Biankenshio md Schaik rV ' i?f' f-are -s and Ghdr.-itv. PUi. t-'- ' I nti-1 1 . 00- |