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Show COAL SITUATION MENACE GROWS I THREATENING I ASPECT SEEN I I ON. RAILROADS I i More Lines Report With- Hi j drawals From Their Train H Service K YARDS CONGESTED H President Issues Proclama- IK? tion Against Interference Hp With Mail Movement Bp WASHINGTON July 12 With con- Hfc tinued reports of interference with Bk mail trains by railroad strikers reach- HeP ing the posiofflre department in the H! last 24 hours President Harding has Hror issued a proclamation directing all firou persons to refrain from all Interfer- BPr lng with 'the lawful efforts to main- Hjuj tain interstate transportation and tho WRfz' tarrying of the L'nited States malls. HftL Drawn up after the rail strike Bit- H&Tj nation, with particular reference to Hefe ! reports of Interference by strikers with H& I train operations which had been dts- 'BvJf 1 cussed at length at Tuesday's cabi- iEHr. net meeting, the presidential procla- iBgjfe- matlon invoked the cooperation of all lWfcf. public authorities, state and munlcl- l-BKfc" pal. and the ald or all good citizens" to uphold the laws and to facilitate HR those operations in safety which are essential to life -nd liberty and the Hn': security of properly and our common KS; public .welfare." Ky WORKERS HAVE RIGHTS. ImWt The peaceful settlement of treaties iHkI' between shopcralls' employes and car- HES riera 'in accordance with law and due Ers respect tor the established agencies of HR such settlement are essential to the H& security and veil being of our people." BR1 the proclamation stated, and added HE$ that men who choose to work under H?? the terms of the labor board's decision H which led to the walkout "have the H i same Indisputable rich I to work thru iBS others have to decline to work." IBBr" J'rior to IssuailCS oi the proclama- HSrt' non. Postmaster ueneral Work late Tuesday directed all postmasters to report to their local superintendents of the railw;i mail service of th; in- jrf lkmna rf m m .. f . U nn He also gave instructions that division- . lal postal Inspectors be sent to ail g-. poin a mrhere railroads have reported K int rfer mce with train operations with ,fi, ordera to mak direct report to Wash- H. ington at once. MENACING sii:cr. & Reports of the past 24 hours have K lefl .t threatening if nut a meaaclns - aspect to the ah p suspension. Ad- VfiL;- d tional lines in Bcnllered sections hiv.i reported withdrawals from their train I he.iuies and several important shop m havo been abandoned, according to the It ' public announcement of the railroad I managements. Two roads have an- 'J ' in, i'iicd th-ir intention of sending re- M-' pair work to outside contractors, and & from many points have come tidings of E?-. roundhouse ;m I yard congestion be- Ep cause of tho scarcity of equipment, y Report this morning from Wallard, if.. Ohio, a Baltimore and Ohio Junction w' point said forty six dead engines wftre K In the roundhouse there and twenty- H one of ihe twenl--four yard tracks S- . re blocked with car. p Reports 'jf Sim lar conditions came f. freni East St LdUls and Bloomington, H II!.- Buffalo, X. Y. and De Soto, Mis- It . NEVADA SITUATION. CARSON CITY, Nev., July 12. As-serting As-serting that employes of the Union Pacific railroad shops at J.a - Vega.-. H Nev.. an being assaulted and that th-.- &i officlaja of Chirk county are not giv- I.". Ing them protection Vice President jfc' E. E. Calvin of the Union Pacifi company t. legraphed Governor Boyle's office here an appeal for afata. F assistance In preserving order. Governor Boyle was not In the cltv H but a telegram from his private ft - retary to shoriff Bam Gay of Clark llft-j.. county, brought sweeping denial oi jfc' Calvin's charges R . I In a second telegram Calvin stated &' Sheriff Gay ha,v deputized a number W-- ( Continued on Page Two.) ft THREATENING ASPECT SEEN ON RAILROADS (Continued from Page One) of strikers and placed them on guard al i he shops against the protests of the Union Pacific management. Governor Boyle notified the I'nlon i Pacific company that If the state Is j compelled to take action In the Las Vegas stiike situation, it will Invcstl-mite Invcstl-mite the reason wh tin- company has drprlved 1-a.s Veiras of electricity and -li it off the water famished the city. h company has been asked to rem- ily the reported condition. Governor Boyle has telegraphed Clark county authorities for details regarding alleged attacks on new worker by strikers at Una Vegas. TRY TO KEEP I 1 iKRKS. NEW YORK. July 12 In an effort ef-fort to prevent a walkout of the 15.-000 15.-000 clerka and station employes of the N-w York Central lines between hen and Chicago, official of the company com-pany today entered into i conference With representatives of the men who are now taking a strike vote on tho question of wage reductions, loss of: vacations, sick leave pay and contract con-tract labor. INJUNCTION ISSUED. SPRINGFIELD. 111. July 12 (By The Associated Press.) Federal Judge Fltzhenry announced here this! morning that ho had issued an In- , Junction at Bloomington Tuesday I night, restraining 2.0 striking em-1 vaii nt i h r- I r, ,r i:i and P,-k 1 n ral'- road from interfering in any way with the railroad's operation. Five copies of the Injunction were pre-p pre-p red this morning and will be taker, to Peoria for service as soon as completed. com-pleted. The pooria railroad floes all the switching for six lines entering Peoria. OMAHA, Neh.. July 12. A temporary tem-porary restraining order was granted In federal court Tuesday to tho Onion Pacific railroad. The order la directed direct-ed against the six striking Federated Shop Craft unions, as well as thf system federation. Union Pacific official of-ficial announced Tuesday nigh' that the greatest number of new ai.J old employes on the system since the strike began were at work Tuesday. Today 153 former employes returned to work over the system, it was announced. an-nounced. ROSEVILLE Ql fl-.T. ROSBVILLE, Gal., July 12. Sheriff Elmer Gum arrived here (ate Tuesday from Auburn, county e it of Placer county and took personal charge of p it and Investigator ciiied into s. rviee following the blowing up of a Southern Pacific waterlank at New Castle and the shooting of William Westlakc a guard hero Who shot the guard and who placed explosives under the tank remained unsolved mysteries as far as the authorities au-thorities are concerned, it was said Mike Calderello. i strike-breaker, w.is arrestfil after he had boon ehnrged with attacking Joe Snuia, a striker Aside from the discovery of several bullets In a railroad fence there were no other local strike developments. |