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Show END TO STRIKE LOOMS Railroad Executives Holding Back As Chairman Ben Hooper Presents Program for Walkout Settlement CHICAGO, July 12 (By the Associated Press.) A program for solution of the railroad chop-men's chop-men's strike was drawn up today by Chairman Ben W. Hooper of the United States railroad labor board after conferences with leaders of the shopmen and was submitted to representatives of the railway executives from four sections of the country at noon today. , Chairman Hooper's program, which is said to represent the minimum acceptable to the striking j shopmen, is to be carried ag-ain to the shopmen's leaders later today, with the comment! and counter I proposals of the executives. When Chairman Hooper left the la-, bor board offices for the meeting with' the four executives, he said he was confident some plan of settlement (ould be re-ached f)ulckl He said he expected to call President Harding on tli? telephone with a report on the i success of hlB conference with the railway president s. The conference of Chairman Hooper i and the railway executives Is said to; be the direct result of a ten minute j (telephone conversation late Tuesday I ! night between President Harding and W. I,. McMenimcn, labor member ofl ithe rullroad labor board The prom- I i ise of the executive to receive shop-men's shop-men's proponals through Chairman 'Hooper is understood to have been I communicated to Mr McMenlmen by , the president. Representing the executives are S-M S-M Fellon. president of the Chicago, Great Western. Western district, l F 'loree, Delaware & Hudson, eastern i district. B. F Bush. Missouri Pacific, southwestern district, and Whitford R Cole, Nashville. Chattanooga & St. .Louis, southeastern region B M Jewell and others of the shopmen's lead ra were in conference with Chairman Hooper for several hours Tuesday night to sum up the strikers' demand whlih has been talked talk-ed over since Sunday. Among them are rehearings on the; wage Issue, changes in overtime pay; rules, abolition of farming out' re-' pair work and establishment of regional reg-ional adjustment boards Tho four regional chairmen for the 1 association of railway executives were' to meet with the chiefs of the fouri train service brotherhoods here this afternoon to discuss questions of rules' and working conditions growing out of' the shopmen's strike. Representatives of the brotherhoods refused to discuss what would cornel I before the conference with the ex- ecutlve's. No definite reply to the shopmen's proposals was given Chairman Hooper, b representatives f the railway executives exec-utives at tho noon-da) conference. The executives said they would notify Mr. Hooper of their answers 'later." Chairman Hooper said bis chief purpose pur-pose In meeting with the executives was to arrange u conference between them and li M. Jewell, leader of the striking shopmen, and indicated that the attitude of the executives was disappointing. dis-appointing. Mr. Hooper said he had made little progress with the executives and they had not decided when they would bo able to go oer the ground with him again. It was indicated that there had been tome division among the executives. ex-ecutives. I'ntll v.urd comes from the executives, execu-tives, Mr. Hooper said, he will not meet with Mi. Jewell, |