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Show ter's Friends Elated M years ago I became afflict- ! Itorrach trouble which stead- 1 H wore. I frequently be-rostrated be-rostrated with collr- attacks and 3 My doctors wanted to op- I Tor gall ,-.;r.nes r uiBhed lo IB oper.T ; , ,, rm ltiVCe of a 7 -tried Mnjrs Wonderful Rem-f Rem-f excellent results as since uk- j I Ibout 1' yt r, -s ,ir m troulde I drely disapp.-nrr-d " It removes I I) fcrrhal mucous from the intes-i kt. and al!., - the Inflnmiha-llch Inflnmiha-llch cnusi-s pract ir-aHy stom- I rcr and intestinal ailments, in- app.ndlet7 ine dose will! Mb or money refunded at A, R. I 'liF I)r,JK ""fiMir and other Ifug st ore -Ad ert .si-uu II t 1 nKc before 2 minutes after taking Jo-To ni-Oa. Acidity, Sour Stomach JWrn), Belching, Spelling and all "fctlng oiHrets In Two Minute. JMly Harmless. Jy all drug stores. Samples free SMMlng the jo To Co Belllnghnm, aAdvertlscment. J ime to LAGOON Ifck Tomorrow Jr TV $ with the Young Men's 1 y Republican Club 0 Xaas atenioon evening crowded jjjl with activity and entertainment. It n will be the biggest day of the season. ) J a Republicans from all over the state : M This is thaw BIG ANNUAL OUTING Jt ir T Boxing, baseball, races, Boy Scout' fjL M swimming race, voting contest for irf7 most popular Republican, prize waltz tWotv and otl3er carmv-al features. Some- thing interesting every minute. Plan JftlJ Jo come to Lagoon Thursday, July gK KiX Trains every hour from 12:30 UAA o 'clock Pare 36c round trip. Autos flTtA 10c per car 10c per passenger. LAST TIMES TODAY To the thundering Classic Class-ic of the race track! Also Comedy - Pathe News Ogden Theatre TOMORROW big double feature bill. Richard Dix in "For Those We Love," and a return engagement of Harold Lloyd's greatest comedy, "A Sailor-Made Man." I Children, 12 Years.... 10c J whoinVfw OpeCial iTOtlC6 Children, 13 to 15... ...20 f magnets. To every one who tuilil out to see the greatest of the woird's master productions. H If you read the magazines ycu will note many of them free from solicitation, have contributed columns of H praise for Geo. Melford's Mammoth Fourteen-Star production, with Dcxothy Dalton in the lead. "The Wo- H Who Walked Alone." Probably no picture hss commanded such an avalanche of praise as this one, coming HB Sunday. The cast includes : Dorothy Dalton, Milton Sills, Wanda Hawley, Chas. Ogle, Mabel Van Buren, H Harris Gordon, John Davidson, Mayme Kelso, John McKirinon and Temple Pigot. Kg THE PRICES: 10c and 30 WILL BE THE ADMISSION, AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS K g3B8BBBftBtBBajiKgfl SBBaSSallBHBSBQ BfjjaiBiiiBsjiBjia ii iiaaajaa IBM i i assBBBjaaan i bji a isjaaasg ibsj a I aaail I sjssbj asg nfmwi n -irsBSBBBBSEiBBBBBBiMMMaciaJJaL i saan ataasaasasaacaBaaBaiBi ai -i t-t-- r 1 Bu TgpB T'Cc--Col Company Tho "Food-Drink" for All'Age3. : Quick Lunch at Home, OfScc,and W. Fountains. Ask for HORLICKS. . 96?-Avoid Imitations & Substitutes |