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Show BRITISH TOWNS TO GET LIQUOR PROFIT VICTORIA. B. C July 12. British Colum.bia municipalities will receive ! as direct revenue a .share of the last i months' proln made by the pro-vitfclal pro-vitfclal lia.uor adminletratlon, equal to nliout fl.i0 per head. Under the ; liquor act, municipalities receive one- i half the net profit- irom (he liquor coi Lrol, after a reserve fund baa been I provided, Prom June 15, I9tl, when the liq- luor act took effect o March 31 1922 the administration made 5 1 7 72.971 in profile. 'if this sum, )-tft(,noQ was distributed last autumn, $172,9 12 had been placed In reserve and $600, ooo '.f the balance will be distributed be- liween the municipalities. |