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Show CARDS BLANK i PHILLIE CREW J j Haines Allows But Two, Bingles; Victory Is 8th Straight NATIONAL LEAH E W. L. Pet 1 1 New York K 26 640; j St. Louis 4 2 flOO' Chu ago ..4t 3 7 . &26 I Cincinnati 41 39 Ht Brrokhn 4 9 .0; 1 Pitts6u - . . .3f. 42 . 4!2 j Phlladelnbia . ... 27 4S 375! Bostbb 27 4X 31H I t i Ytsttrday's Reeults. At (.'incinnrtti Lrdolclyn 4, CiPcir-nati CiPcir-nati fl. At Chicago New York 4, Chicago p. . . : i t Pittsburg Boston 10, PltlsOQg 4 i At St. Jynils Philadelphia o, St. j LoulS ?, Tbdiy'S Sbtibdttli ! Boston ei T'ltLsourg I Brooklyn at Clncliinitl. 1 New York at Chicago, rhi'adelphia at St. Lcuis. ST LOtJtflj July 13 Jess Haines' i Pd 'he Catrd tO their eighth. BUC- I i.-r-ffive victory Here Tuesdav w hen be shut bul 'he PhUliea 3 to 5, allowing ; only t -,vo hp- Ohe '"r i he .vifctlog off 7T ilr.es Was ab infield tap by Fhtct-er in the fifth. The other was a double off Rapp s In the Sixth Gainer end Aln-imlth Aln-imlth batted In the. runs scored oft Southpaw Weinert tt. Hi E j Philadelphia 2 1 I St. Louis 3 9 1 Butteries- Weinert and PI tire," I lames. ,md Aln'-n.ith. ! CHICAGO. July 12 Jesse Barnes , wai in fine O a Tuesday, holding Chi , cago to five scattered hit wiiile New ! York made the most of Its ten hits I and shut out the locals, 4 to U. j "Casey" Stengel was hii In the fnce with a pitched ball and had to retire from the game. R. n E 1 New York t 4 10 0 Chirr, go 0 5 2 Batteries Barnes and Smith. Oa-born Oa-born Cheevea and Heathcothe ClNCI7?vATI. July 12 The Reds , won the opening wmc of the series' , with Brooklyn Tuesday. 6 to 4, and j went into the firs division in tho I league race. Iteiuher was hit hard jyt 1 tln.es j . R H E . Brooklv n 4 7 t Cincinnati . 6 3 2 Batteries: Reuther and re berry; i LuiU'- and Winga. (MTTSPA RG. July I2r Uhe Boston Braves, un:" on' 61 their lostng slump Tuesday v.li-n they defeate d Pittsburg 10 to 4. The visitors staged a hatting tally in the SlXtH Inning and drove Morrison to the showers R. H. E , P.o.son HI 17 1 Pi: h bnrg 4 10 2 Batteries: afcQdlhlirt and Gibson; j Morriot) Hamilton anil Mattox, Gooch nn |