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Show LETTER CLEARS IIP OLD CHE Recalls Story of Reprieve While Convicted Man Saw Gallows Built CHATTANOOOA, Tcnn . July 6. The findinR of a letter In an old sewing sew-ing macbine at A.ianta. containing the confession Of Henry Sharp, that he had killed Ed KonfSlcb mar Hottentot, Texas Oc tober i. 188 4. and that A L. OeorgOf convicted of the crime and sentenced tn h;wir, was Innocent, recall" re-call" the story told by Oeorsrc. who lived liv-ed here before nia death According to liia story he was on his way across the stnte of Texas and happened to be at Hottentot when Konesick, ;i merchant was killed. He was arrested and sentenced to die. MAINTAINED IVNOCK.M h He resolutely niulntalned his Innocence Inno-cence and was reprieved on the duj ho was to have been hancd. after he he'd witnessed the carpenters' building the gallows In tho jail yard. Soon afterward af-terward Henry Sharp confessed on his deaih bed that he had killed KonesiOk and Qeorgfl was pardoned and returned return-ed to relatives here Liter he attempted to bring suit ic.iinst the state of Texas for false imprisonment, im-prisonment, but was prevented bv a stale law providing that a special legislative leg-islative enactment was necessary before be-fore suit could bo brought ncalnsu the commons sa Ith JNTKKi. s s FRIENDS George interested influential rienda here and ndeavored to have a resolution resolu-tion pissed by the Tennessee leglsla-lure leglsla-lure settinjs' forth his claims, but was "lil that this would be of no aail t"d and inflr-n from his prison experiences. ex-periences. George returned to Texas after af-ter receiving a promise that the Texas legislature would pass a bill permit-tins permit-tins him to sue for damages but died at Dallas before any action could bo taken. |