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Show 00 CUSTOMS RECEIPS HIGHEST IN YEARS WASHINGTON. July Generally' Improved business conditions In the country are reflected n increased CUS-J tonts receipts the highest during the past fiscal year for 13.1 years, acj cording to a statement Issued tonlgh' by Assistant Becretary of the Treaaurj Elmer Dover, in barge of customs. "Tho United States c ustoms receipts for the flscu.l year just ended " he said, 'amount to $351 443,387. which' is an increase of $48 4 1 V2Sf over last; year. The highest previous year In th history of the customs, covering 133' yean was 1910 when receipts amounted amount-ed to S333.S83.4 45. so that the re-J celpts for thl ear are near) $J3 000 -, 000 In excess of the largest previous year. |